I was just... Cooking?

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He slammed his head against the wall and heard a knocking at his door.
"You okay in there Bakugou?"
GAH! Shitty Hair? Worst timing ever!!
"Yeah, I'll be just a sec!" He rushed to cover up his head where the blood was coming from with a bandage, then a random Naruto headband to hide the bandage. Don't ask why he has a Naruto headband okay, he can have a Naruto headband if he wants a Naruto headband.
He took off the shirt he was wearing and slipped on a dark long sleeved one and rushed to the door.
Bakugou slammed open the door quickly without thinking and Kirishima jumped back in surprise. Kirishima looked and Bakugou's eyes were puffy and red like he'd been crying.
"What the actual hell?" Kirishima paused and looked at his head. Bakugou hoped he had covered up all the blood. "Is that a Naruto headband?" Bakugou was relieved.
"Yeah, got a problem?" Bakugou tilted his head and plastered on a smirk.
"No-no-no! It wasn't that- I love Naruto!" He held up his hands in defence. "I was just checking what all banging was about..." Kirishima looked around and saw the cracked mirror and some blood on the bathroom floor.
"Ummmm, what's that about?"
"Uhhh, I was... Practicing... To cook?" For some reason, Kirishima wasn't convinced.
"Seriously Bakugou? You think I'd believe that?" Kirishima seemed really upset. His red eyes burning with anger.
Bakugou looked at the floor embarrassed.
"Your hair has red in it too! What the hell?" Kirishima pointed.
"Your hair is completely red..." Bakugou pointed out.
Kirishima faceplamed. "Seriously?" His voice was muffled by the hand covering his face. "What were you doing?"
"It's nothing, jeez!" Bakugou began pushing Kirishima out of the doorway. Kirishima grabbed onto it with both hands on either side.
"It's not though is it? Do you want me to call Recovery Girl?"
"I said it's nothing!" Bakugou snarled and pushed him out all the way, slamming the door behind him and locking it.
A few tears dripped down Bakugou's face as he went to go clean everything up and take off his Naruto headband.

Thank you so much for 400+ reads! It means a lot to me!
Sorry for my shitty story telling and everything.
Hope you enjoyed, and are there any sad Kiribaku fanfics you could recommend to me? I've kind of run out.

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