Sleepy time

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Kirishima's PoV

After a few minutes of fake snoring, I cracked an eye open to see Katsuki sound asleep. He looked so calm. His usually furrowed brows, relaxed and tilted upwards. I moved slightly closer to him and looked at his face again. He had long, dark eyelashes that made it look like he was always wearing eyeliner and mascara.

I'd never even realised, maybe because I've never seen his face so close before without him trying to combust my face. Even his cuts from earlier had completely faded, my mom Shio specialised in powerful plants that could completely heal cuts and scars. She had given Bakugou a tea made of one and all of his cuts, scars and bruises had faded completely.

I closed my eyes again, this time to sleep, but I heard something. I opened my eyes and looked up. Katsuki had moved, his formerly calm features scrunched in fear. His arms moving around slightly. He was saying something, I couldn't quite hear. He was having a nightmare.

I shuffled closer to him again and wrapped my arms around his, hugging him closely. He shuffled still but this time it was a lot less. I leaned my face closer and kissed him lightly on the head, I whispered in his ear lightly. "This isn't real, you're having a nightmare. It's okay, it's me." Before planting another kiss on his head. He stopped moving and his features relaxed. I stroked his cheek gently, then shut my eyes. Slowly, I could feel myself drifting asleep.

Bakugou's PoV

I was terrified. I didn't know what was going on. It was dark with a single light, like when I was taken by the villain. I could hear the same laugh, joined by many other voices I recognised. I could even hear the voices of my classmates before they appeared out of the dark. All of them laughing at me. Kirishima was there, he didn't laugh though. He stepped closer to me, wrapping his arms around me into a hug. He whispered into my ear, "This isn't real, you're having a nightmare." He smiled at me and I was suddenly in his room, it was only us. "It's okay Katsuki, it's me."

Then I woke, Kirishima was sound asleep. One arm was wrapped protectively around me. The other was by my face, resting lightly on my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him too and shut my eyes. My sleep after that was amazing, my only dreams were full of Kirishima's smile.

Sleep? Never heard of her.

Haha, I know this is bad and cringey but I thought it was cute while I was writing it.
So thanks for 6k reads ya amazing people!400wordcountidontwanttoruinit

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