You won't be able stay in your dorms for now

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Kirishima's POV

I walked back to the Heights Alliance with Bakugou. He seemed a little more angry than usual, he tried to blow up Pi-I mean-Mina earlier, which he usually doesn't do despite how annoying she can be.  And he seemed to be a bit paler since Aizawa told him off which is unusual; Bakugou had been told of by Aizawa-sensei many times and seemed indifferent, so what's off?
I shook the thoughts off, it wouldn't be anything serious.


We arrived outside our dorm building to find a lot of students gathered round with Aizawa and Present Mic at the centre. I grabbed Bakugou's wrist, which granted a hiss from the blonde, and ran up to see the commotion.

"The fuck?" Bakugou frowned. Exactly what I was thinking, but with harsher language than I'd typically use.

We stood at the back of the crowd, a little further away to get a good view of what's going on, but not too far that we couldn't hear.

"I'm afraid the dorms are going to be out of use as we'll be installing water pipes. The building was built in an extremely short length of time and very few places got access to clean water, only Todoroki, Asui and Shouji were granted full access to water in their rooms." Most people turned to the mentioned students with looks of jealousy. "After this is complete everyone will have full access to water as well.

"You will all have to stay at your family's homes or wherever you were staying before. The students already with water need to stay out as well, as there will be people all over the building doing construction. All of your parents have already been called and informed of all this, you may all go now." And he walked off with Present Mic following after.

Most of the class seemed okay or even happy with the idea, only a few like Todoroki and Bakugou seemed genuinely concerned or annoyed.

Momo clapped her hands in delight. "Finally, I get my bed back." She laughed. "And the Height's Alliance is so small, like a servant's house or prison-!"
"Prison?! The dorm rooms alone were bigger than my entire house!" Uraraka interrupted, much to the laughter of many students and the interjection of Iida.

Bakugou seemed pretty quiet, I'm starting to get worried. Maybe he's just sick or something? That'd make sense.

I turned back to the crowd and saw Todoroki, suddenly with a small smile on his face. If it were anyone else a smile of that size would be considered hardly worth noticing, but this was Todoroki Shouto, he must be absolutely exuberant.

"I can get cold soba again." He stated.
Midoriya laughed along with the rest of the dekusquad (that's what they're called right? Or is that just what Bakugou calls them? I'm going to have to ask Mina...) and some other students.

"Fucking extras." Bakugou groaned but with less of the usual malice. I turned to him and grinned, he looked back and his features softened. Awwww he's so cute.

I planted a kiss on his cheek and his face turned as red as my hair.

"That was so stupid!!" He whispered shouted. "What if they saw? What if Mina saw? We'd be the talk of the town!!" He was flustered. Oh. My. God. How. Flipping. Cute.

"Calm down, Katsuki!" I elbowed him lightly in the ribs. "Nobody was looking!"

"Except me!" Another blonde yelled, leaping out of the bush near Bakugou. I shrieked and jumped back and Bakugou nearly fell.

Bakugou was mortified and covered his darkening blush with his hands.

"You electrified piece of shit!!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!" He yelled.

"I. Am. Terrified." Kaminari said, giving Bakugou a sideways glance to the annoyance of the explosive boy.

"Denki, how long were you in that bush?" I asked, annoyed but amused.

"About 3 hours." He answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

"3 HOURS? What were you doing?!" I shrieked.

"Hide and seek!"

Suddenly Sero's head shot around in the crowd, along with some tape which wrapped itself around the sunny blonde boy.
He shot more tape from his other elbow which wrapped itself around a lamppost nearby and he used it to pull himself towards us.

"FOUND YOU!" He yelled triumphantly.

"Ughhhhh nooooooo!" Kaminari groaned. "It's their fault!" He pointed towards me and Bakugou.

Bakugou glared at the other blonde. "No it fucking wasn't! You're just fucking bad at hide and seek! Deal with it!" He stuck his tongue out, causing me to laugh hysterically.


"Bye guys!" I waved at Kaminari and Sero who wandered off, holding hands and laughing.

"Bye!" They waved back happily.

"Jeez! About fucking time they left!" Bakugou groaned.

I tapped him on the nose. "Don't be mean."

He blushed and looked away. "We should probably go now..."  He said.

"Yeah you're probably right." I grabbed his collar and planted a quick kiss onto his lips. His eyes widened for a second.

"Uh-yeah-bye then!" He waved and I waved back.

"See ya tomorrow!" I called to him.

He seemed off today, I'm going have to find out another time.

Another shitty chapter from yours truly...
Yeah idek.
Hope you enjoyed!

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