When in doubt ask Mina

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Bakugou's PoV

After a while a eventually came to a stop, there was no point just running for hours if I didn't know where I was going. I looked around where I was and saw that I was close by one of my favourite areas to walk. Basically nobody knew about that route so I decided that would be the best place to go.

I stepped into one of the most hidden areas there, not even I knew this place existed and I've gone on runs around this area so many times. It wasn't a bad spot either, trees covered the edge of this area and a small river flowed by here. One of the larger trees had obviously fallen over and seemed like a good place to use as a seat plus it would be able to be used as a bridge over the small mass of water.

I walked across the fallen tree slightly so I was over the river and looked at my reflection. I looked awful. I wiped my face on my sleeve, wincing at the stink when it made contact, then realised that I had covered it in blood. I took it off then realised I looked even worse without it on and quickly slipped it back over my shoulders. I looked back at my reflection and winced. I had a nasty cut over my face from my left ear slicing up to my nose. How the fuck would I hide that? Wear a mask and say that I'm sick? I don't have a mask though, they're all at my house.

Ughhhhhhh this sucks! Now everybody is going to fuss like I'm some kind of baby! I fucking hate it. Just like when I got back from being kidnapped, I can't stand people pitying me.

I heard rustling from behind and turned quickly causing my head to throb. A saw a flash of red then it was gone. What the fuck was that?

I got up and moved towards the sound, hiding behind trees on the way. I could see the red again, it was hair. Oh fuck I know who this is. Oh yeah, he knows about this route too, we met up once or twice here as well. Isn't this great? I get to run into my boyfriend looking like I got run over by a lawnmower. Damn, if I had just remembered that, I could've avoided everyone. Hopefully he doesn't know this area.

I could hear him breathing deeply like he'd been on a run. He picked his phone from his pocket and glanced down at it.
"He still hasn't answered me back... What the hell is going on?" I heard him murmur. "Maybe he's with Mina again." He dialed a number then held the phone up to his face.

Kirishima's PoV

"Hey Mina, it's me Kirishima!" I say, trying to keep my voice level.

"Ohhhhhhhh hi Kiri! What's up? Need love advice? Somebody bothering you?" She answered in a sing-song voice.

"No! I mean yes-I mean no!" I answered, inwardly cringing at myself. "It's Bakugou," I heard what sounded like a faint gasp and then a rustle. "Wait what? Do you know something?" I asked quickly.

"No, I didn't even say anything yet!" She squealed in annoyance. Her voice then turned more worried. "Are you alright? What's going on?"

"I don't know! I don't know what's going on with Bakugou... He hasn't been answering my calls or any of my texts! I'm really worried!" I whisper-shriek.

"Oh it's okay Kiri, when did you last try to call him?" She asked sounding even more worried.

"I dunno, like ten minutes ago..." I checked my watch.

"Call him again, maybe he was just busy or his phone was off." She replied. "Call me again if he doesn't reply, or if he does text me okay!"

"Okay, thanks Mina!" I hung up then rung Katsuki' phone. "Pick up!" I murmured. The ringtone was weird this time, it was almost like it was echoing, then the echoing stopped. After a minute or two I called again and the echoing started once more. I turned around to see where the echo was coming from, then saw what looked like a hooded guy.

"Who's that?" I call, creeping forward. They remained silent and I stepped forward further. The hooded figure stepped back and turned, I saw a flash of blonde and red from under the hood. "Katsuki?"

The figure froze and turned back. It was definitely Bakugou. I ran forward and hugged him, crushing him. He let out a strangled scream and tried to escape the bear-hug. "Oh my god Kat! Where were you? I was so worried!!" He finally managed to escape the hug and turned away, weird. I stepped forward, holding out a hand.

"Fuck off! Mind your own damn business!" He yelled from behind his hood. My hand dropped back to my side and I stopped.

"'Suki... You okay?" I asked and he growled.

"I said fuck off! You deaf or something?!" He walked away, this time I followed after him and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Katsuki, there's something wrong, tell me." I said, clearly he didn't want to say anything but I couldn't help him if I didn't know what to help him with. I heard muffled sons and he wiped his face with one hand. When he moved his hand down I saw red, it was blood. "Kat? Are you okay? Oh my god!"

"It's-its fine!" His voice wavered at the end. I turned his around and pulled back his hood slightly. He had a huge gash across his face and it was bleeding really badly.

"It's not fine Baku!" I hugged him tightly, this time he didn't try to escape. "What happened? Did someone do this to you?"

"Pffft, as if someone would be able to do something like this to me!" He laughed but it was so clearly fake. I sighed, I wouldn't be able to get answers from him.

"Okay Kat, just come with me please," he nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll get you some bandages and have you eaten?" He shook his head, he looked so defeated I felt like we both could burst into tears at any moment.

I quickly pulled out my phone and texted my moms, Is it okay if my friend stays over for a bit? I need to help him with something
To which Shio replied with, Sure, if any of you need anything just tell me ❤️

Then I clicked on Mina's name and typed, I found him, tell Aizawa Sensei we won't be at school tomorrow.

Yay! Cliché! You definitely could not tell that he was going to find Kiri.

But thanks so much for reading this shit, and I hope you all have a great day/night/period of time that can be identified as neither day nor night.

After five hours of this being published I realised we have 3k reads on this story so thanks guys!

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