Mission Success

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Sero's PoV

I was in a cardboard box. There is a perfectly good reason for me being in a cardboard box, I swear.

Bakugou and Kirishima weren't in school today so it was the perfect opportunity to execute our master plan without anyone to stop us. Mina and Hagakure were making their way down the hallway so this was the perfect opportunity. I looked over at Denki and held up my thumbs, he winked at me then lept out of the box to creep after the two girls.

Once he was close enough to them, he dashed behind a wall. In that position he could clearly hear them and he'd only have to move his head slightly to see them. Luckily they stopped there, they liked talking to each other over there and it was kind of known as their area. That just made this whole operation too easy.

Kaminari stood there for a couple of minutes before I spoke into my ear piece quietly. "Denki, come in. Do you read me, Denki? Testing testing 1,2,3." Kaminari looked over and grinned, moving his microphone closer to his mouth. "Loud and clear." He answered before holding a finger to his lips and making a 'shhh' sound. The girls had begun to move and Kami quietly ran back to the box and jumped inside.

"Did you get anything?" I asked him. He nodded happily. He opened his mouth to speak but I clamped my hand over it. I held my finger up to my lips and looked back out of the holes in the cardboard. Figures were approaching, I uncovered Kaminari's mouth and pointed, we both nodded. I got tape and covered up the holes in the cardboard and shut the box from the inside.

"Weird, I thought I heard someone here..." A familiar voice spoke.

"So did I..." Another answered.

Me and Kaminari didn't have much space in the box but we moved closer to each other. We wrapped our arms around each other in a weird, scared hug. We both sat there completely silently, shivering with fear, until we heard footsteps leading away. I uncovered the holes in the cardboard and looked around, the coast was clear.

We burst out of the box, quite literally, and ran to our homeroom, giggling. "Oh my god we survived." I repeated over and over as we made it to our seats. Kami laughed, "I know right, it was a close one back there!" We sat down trying to contain our giggles before they turned into hysterical laughter but we failed miserably.

After about 10 minutes of crazy laughter, we began to calm down. "So what did you overhear, Agent Denki?" I asked the blonde. "I think we've found the one, Agent Hanta. Hagakure even laughed at Mina's terrible puns!" I looked at him in shock and disbelief.

"Oh my god, it's a miracle!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands in glee. "I was starting to worry that she'd never find love." I admitted. Kaminari smiled that blinding smile. "Gee same. Or even that somehow... even after knowing Kirishima for so long, she ended up straight." We laughed even more this time until the bell rang for the end of lunch.

Some weird happy stuff cuz Mina is still apparently single.
And thanks for 7 k reads

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