Yes it do

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??????'s PoV (a/n: oooooh, spooky)

"Yes sir, we have an opportunity to go ahead with our plan." I sat quietly on my bed in dim light. I was tempted to turn on my light but the darkness gave an eerie feel that was quite appropriate.

I heard mumbling from the other end. I fiddled with my phone, running my fingers gently over the buttons. I chewed my lip before answering. "I will do that right away, however, I won't be able to handle him on my own, I need to borrow some people." Static, then an annoyed reply. I shook my head. "Of course sir, I won't let you down."

Mina's PoV

"Blasty! You're here!" I waved him over frantically. He glared before walking over at the same pace, maybe even slower. I peeked behind him, I raised an eyebrow. "Where the hell is your boyfriend?" The blonde turned to me and glared even harder.

"None of your fucking business." He growled. Trying to keep my patience, I asked again with much worse language. He exhaled angrily through his nose. "His mom called him. Leave me alone." He turned away again and began to walk toward the room with Sero and the others. Okay, he's beginning to annoy me now. I hopped after him.

"What's got you so mad?" I asked as I skipped along next to him. He pointed his angry red eyes at me.

"You fucking woke me up, you little shit." He tried shoving me away but I dodged. This I understood completely. If I were in his position, I would have already disposed of my body. I realised it was a miracle that I was still in one piece at this point, then decided to test my luck.

I patted him on the head. "Awwww. Did I wake you up from your little slumber with Kiri? Aw poor baby!" He grabbed my wrist angrily and shoved me back. I fumbled for a bit but managed to stay almost balanced. He held his hands up as if to create more explosions but was stopped abruptly. I sighed in relief but also disappointment because that would've been interesting.

Kirishima's PoV

I gently placed the box onto Bakugou's bed. It was a heart shaped box filled with chocolates. I was way too awkward to just give this to him so instead I just left a note saying who it was from.

I carried on off my way onto Ochaco and Mina's floor, humming happily now that I have completed my mission. I opened the door of their corridor to find a wild Bakugou in attack mode. I leaped forward quickly and wrapped my arms around Bakugou's and lifting him off the floor slightly, as usual he was pretty easy to pick up.

Mina screamed. "Get your fucking boyfriend, bitch!" Waving her hand in the direction of Bakugou. I was puzzled as I clearly already had but I couldn't resist finishing a vine.

"It don't bite." I looked at Bakugou as he growled, biting the air angrily. Mina raised her eyebrow at me worriedly. I heard yelling from the next room that sounded like Kaminari and Sero finishing the quote but it was hard to tell.

"God, your boyfriend is scary." Mina laughed, standing up straighter and brushing herself off. I laughed. "Anyway, I called you over here because your fellow men have managed to fuck up severely." I raised an eyebrow, it was probably Kaminari. Maybe even Sero. Most likely both.

"Let's go save them then," I sighed, forgetting that I was carrying Bakugou as we headed toward the smell of burnt tape. He squirmed and thrashed around but I refused to put him down and admit to my mistake.


We arrived to see a Sero-like figured wrapped in blackened tape, suspended from the ceiling. Kaminari tried to remove the tape using his quirk and I'm guessing, causing the discolouration of the tape. Uraraka was floating next to him, reciting nursery rhymes sadly in opera, as if he had already passed and she was mourning. Occasionally Kaminari piped in with quotes from Shakespeare, Keats, and other old poets. Sero was close to tears, clearly moved by Ochaco's words. 'Rain, rain, go away...' She sighed longingly.

Bakugou, who had finally managed to escape facepalmed so dramatically that I would've thought he was a part of this performance. This interrupted whatever satanic ritual was happening by doing so, as they turned to face us. Mina laughed. It helped clear my head of Shakespearian and Romantic period art, but did nothing for the Wheels on The Bus performance echoing in my mind.

"Don't worry guys, I have pictures of that." Mina cackled madly. Bakugou looked at her phone screen and snickered.

"Okay, okay." I tried to bring order to whatever the hell was happening in this room. "As scarring as that all was, I don't think it's helping Sero."

"I beg to differ." Sero interrupted.

"Shut the fuck up, Soy Sauce. Shitty Hair is trying to help you." Bakugou looked pointedly at him, making him cower in his celotape prison. "Dumbass." The blonde muttered under his breath.

"Thanks," I grinned. "Anyway, I think we need a plan to actually fix this." I gestured to the mess in front of me. "So since I'm the only slightly sane one here, I'll be coming up with that." I announced.

After thinking for a total of two minutes, chaos managed to break out again. Bakugou had started a fight with Sero, causing the dark haired boy to cover him in tape. Kaminari had run into Bakugou without realising and knocked Bakugou into more tape and they both got stuck. More tape above them, fell down and got itself stuck to both of them, as well as Ochaco. Ochaco collided with the ceiling in her panic and was now stuck there.

Luckily, Mina filmed it.

"You guys are all hopeless!" I groaned, gesturing to them all. Mina raised an eyebrow at me. "Other than Mina of course." She nodded. Bakugou tried to argue but his mouth was taped shut.

"I gotta pee!" Kaminari yelled. Bakugou groaned in resignation and tried to edge away but was securely trapped.

"Of course you do." I sighed, looking to Mina for help. She shrugged. "Okay, that's it. Ashido, start melting through the main areas of tape with your acid. I'll try to cut the two blondes out with my quirk."

The pink girl nodded and immediately got to work, occasionally stopping to get photos. I activated my quirk of both of my hands and began using them like scissors to cut the tape, luckily it worked. I began humming as I realised that this was actually going to be pretty easy. Ochaco just had to ruin the moment.

"Dudes, my party starts in like..." She shuffled around violently, trying to get a look at her phone. Unfortunately, it was a flip phone and she had to flip it open first, taking three minutes. "Nine-ish minutes." I almost facepalmed but remembered I had my quirk activated.

"Okay then, I guess we're going to have to hurry." I sighed, karate chopping the tape.

Yep, it has taken me ages to update but I'll be updating again in like a few seconds so yay. Also, the last chapters have been boring as hell, I know. But shit is gonna start happening real soon so yay again.

And thanks for 42k reads!

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