Mama Mina Needs Some Milk

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Bakugou's PoV

I couldn't get any sleep last night, I was so uncomfortable to be staying at home again. It's only been a couple of months since we moved into the dorms, but it's weird not having Eiji come visit randomly in the night.

Damn it, I've fallen bad for that redhead.


When my alarm went off at 4am I got up instantly and got dressed for school. I didn't want to stick around for Mom's hangover.

I grabbed my bags and picked up some breakfast, a handful of Cheerios. I looked down into my hand, I'd picked up five.
I threw two down onto the snow. Wait. Snow? I looked down again and saw crisp snowflakes collecting on my mom's front door.

I treaded quickly, avoiding the patches of snow to not leave footprints.

I decided to go for a walk to the park, not any fancy hidden walks as nobody would be out around now.


When I got to the park I saw that I was wrong, somebody was sitting on the swing, they were slouched and covered in a coat and hood. I stepped closer to see who it was and saw a pair of teary black eyes.

"Pinky? What are you doing here?" I asked, shocked to see her around now. Especially since she looks like she's been crying.

She wiped her eyes quickly then sat up straight with a grin on her face. "Just hanging out on the swings! Am I not allowed to do that or something?" She giggled.

"Jesus Pinky, what are you actually doing here? And don't make up some bullshit lie." I questioned further.

"I just- I think I should leave school!" More tears formed in her eyes before she quickly wiped them away.

"Why would you say some bullshit like that?" I was shocked she'd say something like that.

"I'm not a hero Bakugou. I'm weak, I'm useless and I'm selfish!" This time when the tears formed she let them spill down her rosy cheeks.



"You heard me! Stop putting yourself down! You're an amazing hero, you're brave, you're confident! You have such a great quirk too!" She looked up at me, surprised. "You're going to be a great hero, Mina! Stop doubting yourself. Kirishima told me how much you inspire him! Why can't you just see how much of a hero you are, yourself?"

"Kirishima told you that?"

"Yeah he fucking did. Who the fuck told you that you weren't good enough to be a hero? When I find out who it is I'm gonna beat their ass-!" She threw her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry Bakugou! I didn't know you were so nice!" She hugged me tighter. "Thank you so so so much!" She pulled her arms back. "I needed that!" She grinned and stood up.

She pointed at herself. "Me." She pointed to me. "You." She held up her fists. "Spar!"

I smirked. "Jesus Christ Pinky, it's four in the morning!"

"Let's go to a training facility then, you look like you're gonna freeze to death. Why the fuck haven't you got a coat?"

"Do you even know a training facility that opens at 4?"

"Nope," she grinned, "But I know one that opened at 3!"

Have I ever said how much I frigging love Mina?
Anyways, sorry for all the bullshit I just wanted to add something with Mina in it. She's the most left out member of the Bakusquad but still so valid.

Also anybody got any ships they want me to add Mina to? I don't want her to be lonely.

Thank you so much for reading my terrible as fuck fanfic!

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