Dumbass Dumb Ass Dumbass

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Kaminari's PoV

There's always a time when I have to sit back and think: Well that was stupid. A prime example of one of those times, is now. Because now, some crazy villain dude wants to murder me. Well shit, how was I supposed to know that villains didn't like being fooled? They should really tell you that stuff in advance.

The guard hit me again, this time with his elbow. I tasted something metallic in my mouth and spat up blood. The guard brought his fist down onto the top of my head and my face hit the metal arm rest of my chair. Not very comfortable, let me tell you.

"You are so fucking stupid!" He hit me across my now bleeding face. I nodded in agreement, I had indeed told myself that already but it's good to hear someone was agreeing with me. I coughed violently and more blood dribbled out of my mouth.

"You're not too bad yourself." I winked. Honestly, at this point I didn't care much that he was beating the crap out of me. I just hoped that I would manage to entertain myself in my last moments. He snarled, raising his fist over my head, I closed my eyes and braced for impact. Nothing happened.

I looked up and saw he had moved his hand back to his side, it was glowing a purple colour. Not my favourite shade of purple but it was pretty cool looking. I suspected it had something to do with his quirk. He grinned at me, I grinned back showing my bloody teeth.

He brought his glowing hand toward my neck and I raised my head so he could do whatever he was trying to do without my chin getting in the way. He was probably going to cut my head off, I suspected. At least it would be a cleaner cut.

His fingers touched my bare skin and I felt a zap go through me. Not like when I'm using my quirk to summon electricity, but this was an odd stinging sensation. I tried to ask him what he was doing but when I opened my mouth no sound came out. I tried yelling but still nothing. I had honestly thought nothing could get any worse but apparently I was wrong. Now I couldn't even laugh at myself for being so stupid.

He smirked, moving his hand back as the purple light faded. "Do you like my quirk?" He asked, I shook my head. "Didn't think so, it's very useful though." He looked at his hands. "I can turn off the functions of some body parts, not all unfortunately." He snickered. "But it's still quite entertaining."

"Then afterwards." He said in a voice that sounded eerily similar. To mine. "I mimic those functions perfectly."

I tried to tell him that it was not very entertaining but I remembered I couldn't speak, instead I pulled the weirdest face I could. He grimaced and I saw his hand light back up again. When he moved his hand towards my face, I thought he was going to stop my entire face from working. That would've been so weird! How would I have eaten?

He moved his hand towards my eyes, I shut my eyelids quickly before he could stab my eyes out. He touched my eyelids and I felt that familiar stinging. I opened my eyes, it didn't work. I tried opening them again but I just couldn't. I realised that my eyelids were indeed open, I just couldn't see out of them. I tried to yell about how impractical this would be for me but I couldn't.

"Oh damn your eyesight is awful." He groaned.

Bakugou's PoV

I felt so useless. I couldn't do anything to stop Kaminari from sacrificing himself for... Me? I don't know why he did that, in all honesty. It would've been much better for everyone if he had simply given me in for being Bakugou Katsuki, but he didn't, and that's what has been bothering me this whole time. I don't understand what he was thinking.

"We need to get him." I stood up off the bed and walking towards the door. The others nodded but Kirishima put his arm on my shoulder.

"No, Bakugou Katsuki." He said my whole name, I felt a tingle of fear rush down my spine. "You are staying right here. You told us that the villains are after you, we can't just let them get you." I wanted to grab his hand and tear it from my shoulder but I didn't want to hurt him, instead I shrugged it off.

"Eijirou..." I mumbled. "I have to. That dumbass decided to take my place like a dumb ass dumbass." Not my proudest insult. I heard Mina snicker behind me. Kirishima shook his head. I looked at him in the eye and tried to look determined. He sighed, lowering his hand.

"Fine." The redhead then looked at me with humour glinting in his eyes. "But if anyone here is a dumbass dumbass, it's your dumb ass." He laughed. I groaned, they're never going to let me forget that are they?

Sorry for taking so long to update, I almost died. It was hilarious. I forgot to look both ways and got hit by a car, luckily they saw me and slowed down enough but still. I will never forget the look on their face. 😂

Thanks for 56k reads!

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