The Tranquil Classroom

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If you couldn't tell, I can't title things

Kaminari's PoV

I arrived at 1B's classroom and knocked on the door. A student, Ibara, came to answer it. "Come in and enjoy your time in our tranquil room." She said. What did she mean tranquil? Isn't Monoma in this class?

I followed her into the classroom and Present Mic called out. "YOOOOOOO! Sit down wherever you like!" He gestured around the room. "Welcome to Vlad's amazing class, that I'm covering today, full of amazing students like yourselves, dear listeners!" He grinned at the 1B students, holding up finger guns. The students repeated the action, some slightly differently.

Awase, Pony and Kendo did it normally. Tetsu dabbed. Ibara held her hands up like she was praying. Kuroiro just slammed his head on the desk. Monoma, instead of the classic finger guns, held his hands up like he was holding up a shotgun. Shinsou, instead held the finger gun to his own head. Others just carried on their work.

Me personally, did it in style. I ended up flat on my face.

"Oh my holy cheese! Kid are you okay?!" Mic asked worriedly. Nobody else seemed quite concerned and I was pretty insulted but not shocked. If people were concerned every time I did dumb shit and ended up falling flat on my face, then they'd never get any rest.

I sat up."Absolutely amazing." I grinned. Mic visibly seemed less worried now and continued. I got up and looked around for any free seats. Luckily, there was one next to Shinsou. Unluckily, he was sitting next to Monoma.

"Hey Hitoshi," I said as I sat down. He smiled slightly at me from the table, where his head was resting. He sat up and yawned. He looked so much like Aizawa it was actually creeping me the crap out. No wonder Todoroki keeps on saying he's his secret love child! I owe him ¥500.

"What the fuck did you do this time?" He asked lazily. I looked at Monoma, he still hasn't laughed at me for being 1A, what the actual hell is going on? He just looked at Shinsou then back at Mic who was still yelling random English sentences. What the creeping crud?

"I just let off a few sparks, not enough for me to blow a fuse luckily." Shinsou smiled and shook his head. "You're dumb as hell anyway." He said. Now Monoma laughed, it was a lot better when he's laughing. It's actually even more terrifying when he's quiet.

"You 1A students are actually really stupid. I'm so glad Shinsou didn't end up in your stuck up cla--!" Shinsou elbowed him in the ribs. He shrieked and stopped talking.

"Sorry about him, I've been trying to get him to stop being such an ass but he's persistent." Shinsou shook his head mournfully but I could see him smiling. Monoma grinned, he'd obviously spotted the secret grin as well.

"Hey, you know you don't despise me." He grinned. He spread his arms wide like he usually does when he's gloating.

"Do I?" Shinsou asked lazily. Monoma nodded furiously. "Okay, maybe I do." Monoma clapped his hands happily.

"Jesus Christ you two, I'm still here you know!" Shinsou turned back around and Monoma shot me a look like 'What do you want you slimy banana peel?' I laughed. "Okay Shinsou, I need your help with something."

"What? Did you accidentally eat Sero's homework again?" I turned bright red. "You did? I don't have a spare copy like last time okay, sorry."

"For the last time, that was once!" I punched him in the arm.

"Okay, okay." He laughed. "What do you need then?" He asked lazily. I paused. What the hell am I supposed to ask again? I completely forgot. Ummmm... Oh right, yeah,
"You know Tooru right?" I began.

"Hagakure? The invisible one?" I nodded.

"Well, she's probably in love with Mina and vice versa. We need you to help them get together."

"Sounds easy enough."

"Wait, don't people forget what happens when you're controlling them? We're going to have to think of a different plan that the obvious one." I tapped my chin thoughtfully. Shinsou looked shocked. "What?"

"Did you just... Actually have a good point?" I thought for a second then nodding.

"Maybe, I don't think so though." I said.

"Nah, it was actually a good point." He looked pretty impressed.

"Really?" He nodded. "Cool." Then though for a second. "What do we actually do though?" He shrugged.

"Why don't you idiots just set up some dumb party or something? Say you're celebrating ... Something. Just get them to do Seven Minutes in heaven or some crap game, neither of them would say no to it." Monoma added.

"No that would be--Actually, it's not that bad of an idea." Shinsou replied.

"It's the best plan we've got. And if they don't go willingly, Shinsou, you're our backup plan. And if Shinsou you end up dead or something then Monoma, you're the backup plan." I said.

"I'm going... To the party?" He looked so confused I almost laughed.

"Yeah, it was your idea. Why the hell wouldn't you go?"

"I've never been to a party before, I'll probably mess stuff up. Plus Shinsou should be able to handle it without me." Now I was shocked.

"You've never been to a party?!" I gasped.

"Neito, you're coming or I'm dragging your ass all the way there." Shinsou said, crossing his arms.

"I don't think that's a good idea, plus nobody wants me to go there anyway." Monoma added, looking shocked at the mere suggestion.

"Yeah, yeah cool. But you've never been to a party??" I gasped.

"I want you to be there, and I'm not going without you." Shinsou said.

"How have you not been to a party?" I gasped.

"Fine, but if it ends badly I'm blaming you." Monoma frowned.

"YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO A PARTY?" I gasped loudly.

"Who's never been to a party?!" Present Mic gasped loudly from the front of the class. I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Nobody!" Shinsou replied.

"Oh phew."

Yep random shit idek what I'm doing.
Thanks for 12K reads and everything.

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