Kami you sneaky bitch

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Bakugou's PoV

"What's got you so happy?" I asked the grinning weirdo. Kaminari's grin grew further, he lifted his hand and began talking something. I didn't understand what he was doing until I realised a pattern in the taps, he was doing Morse code. I'm surprised he knew it since we were never taught it, but I remembered he only learned so he could talk to Sero during lessons. Luckily I learned it so I'd know if they were talking shit about me.

He tapped something out: 'I have something' I translated silently.

I tapped back, 'Whatever it is, it better be fucking important.' He nodded.

'I have one of those darts that can temporarily take away someone's quirk' He replied, taking his damn time. I was stunned, how the hell did he manage to get his hands on one of them?

'How the hell is that supposed to help us?' I tapped angrily. Apparently I had tapped so loudly that I managed to wake up our guard, he looked at us both suspiciously. I put my hand back into a resting position and then tried to communicate with Kaminari through angry facial expressions. He smirked at me, definitely not what I was expecting.

"Hey dude-bro!" The bright blonde said to the guard. 'Dude-bro' did not respond, but looked at him menacingly. "Where did that brunette girl go? I thought she worked with you guys." Kaminari asked, I silently praised him for remembering this because I definitely didn't.

"Ugh no." He groaned. "We just hired her for this one job, she actually agreed because she was so broke." I nodded, I definitely remember her mentioning many times that she was broke. I didn't think she would give up her entire life's dream just for some money, must've been a fuck ton. Kaminari seemed pleased with the answer.

"Okay then," Suddenly Kaminari looked extremely uncomfortable. "I really need to pee though, so could you point me in whatever direction the bathroom is in?" The guard scowled.

"You're just saying that to escape aren't you? Didn't think you'd leave your buddy behind, but you do you I guess." He got up and undid Kaminari's left hand, it flashed slightly as if it moved really quickly. The guard added a different pair of handcuffs to Kaminari's hands as he undid the other. Kaminari shuffled his wrists.

"Are you sure I need these?" Kaminari asked hopefully, the guard snickered and picked him up by the back of his shirt. "Ugh, fine." Kaminari was brought past me and out of the room, as he was leaving he hit me on the arm lightly and I felt something stab me, I looked over to my arm to see a small hole in my sleeve but not whatever stabbed me. I looked at Kaminari and he simply winked.

Kirishima's PoV

"Sero, what on Earth are you doing?" Mina hit the dark haired boy's door violently. "You've been in there for hours! You can't mope around just because your boyfriend is gone! I don't even have one!" I scowled at her, clearly she wasn't understanding what the issue was, but she had the spirit.

"C'mon buddy." I tapped the door with the back of my hand. "You need to eat. If Kaminari came back to find you like this, he wouldn't be happy." I pressed my ear up against the door, still no answer. I was starting to doubt he was even in there.

Mina seemed to think that too, she tapped me on the shoulder and gestured for me to follow her. We walked down the hall in silence for a few seconds before she finally spoke up.

"The Pro Heroes think they've found a location." She said. I turned to her in shock, she nodded solemnly. I stopped, I turned back to Sero's door, realising he would've been able to hear that if he was in there. I turned back to the pink girl and whispered.

"Do you know where?" I asked, she nodded again.

Kaminari's PoV

Honestly, I seriously doubt that my plan will work, but there is a possibility. Still, even if it does work, only one of us will make it out of here. I bit my lip, I was starting to think that I didn't like this plan. It was the only thing I could think of though.

Bakugou stared at me with confusion and a lot of anger.

"What the fuck did you do to my arm?" He gestured to his left bicep using his head. I looked over to the guard, he was facing away. I groaned and opened my hand, showing Bakugou the dart. He seemed to literally explode, except this time he couldn't actually.

"What the fuck did you do that for?!" He yelled at me, I winced but grinned at him.

"Yo, guard." I smirked. He turned to me with a bored expression. "You say you're after a certain Bakugou Katsuki?"

Thanks for 53k reads!
I'm also probably going to update again today or possibly even tomorrow to make up for my terrible updating schedule.

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