Hugs and Cookies

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Bakugou's PoV

I shot up so quickly my back began to ache. My eyes were instantly open and scanning the room around me. I was somewhere I didn't recognise, I began to panic. I looked down and I was on a bed. I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I flinched away until I realised it was Kirishima.

"Hey Kat, you okay? You're shaking," I hadn't realised and I tried to stop moving and failed. I tried to say something but I was so shaky I couldn't talk. What the fuck happened to me? Then I remembered passing out on Kirishima's floor. That's fucking embarrassing, kill me now.

"Y-y-yeah." I answered and mentally facepalmed. Kirishima smiled then wrapped his arms around me in a tight but not uncomfortable hug. I stopped shaking immediately and melted into the embrace. He pulled back with his hands still on my shoulders, I felt cold without his heat and slumped. He looked me in the eye worriedly.

"Jeez Kat, don't scare me like that again okay?" I nodded and tried my best to grin. He hugged me again tighter this time. I moved my arms and hugged him back. "I don't ever want to see you hurt again," I heard him mumble and my eyes welled up with tears. I pulled him close and cried silently into his shoulder, making sure that it didn't look obvious.

We continued to hug like this for a while until I heard one of Kirishima's moms calling. "The cookies are getting cold, wanna come down and get some yourself or should I bring them up?" Eijirou looked at me and smiled, then back at where the voice was coming from. "Can you bring them up please?" He called back. I heard a disappointed groan then footsteps coming up the stairs.

Shio, Eijirou's mom appeared with a large tray of cookies and weird pink tea, as I hid behind Eijirou, trying to cover my face. Shio placed the tea and cookies down and both me and Ei said thank you. The tea smelled amazing and a lot like raspberries and strawberries. I picked a mug up along with a few cookies from the spot I was sitting, behind Eijirou.

The pink Kirishima looked at me trying to hide and smiled. "It's getting late now you two, try and get some sleep please. I don't need you two running around in the middle of the night." She winked at us. "If you need anything, I'll be in the study trying to clean up Kishi's mess." She grumbled the last part with gritted teeth, but I could tell she wasn't really angry. She waved and headed off down.

Eijirou brought some more cookies onto the bed and we ate them quitely, but happily. The cookies were amazing took huge bites each time and smiled. Kirishima grinned happily as he ate 5 at a time. I drank the tea pretty quickly and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Gah! How embarrassing.

When we were finished Kiri got up and turned off the lights before sitting back on the bed.
I took off my shirt as Kirishima did to his because it was fucking boiling and undressed until I was just in my underwear, all my scars were almost faded by now and the only ones left could be blamed on that villain. I looked again and they seemed to be getting lighter by the second. Probably just my mind being weird.

I jumped under the blanket before Kirishima could see me in my underwear. Eiji turned to face me, "I can sleep on the floor if you want, I don't mind." I shook my head and told him the bed was plenty big enough for the both of us and we both scrambled under the covers.

"Goodnight!" He said before instantly falling asleep, I could feel my eyes closing too. "Goodnight..."

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