Mama Mina's ship has been sailed

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Bakugou's PoV

We got to the training facility pretty quickly, it wasn't far at all from the park we were at. It was a large building and looked similar to the school's training facilities but there were quite a few differences. The colour scheme was quite different, and the windows were larger.

"This is the place!" Pinky held her arms wide and did jazz hands. "I come here all the time, it's really good."

"It better be."

We stepped into the building and saw a few people already there, not anyone we knew personally. Just some people from other schools.

"My dad works here so I get to use the smaller training room for myself." She pointed to a doorway with a pink banner over it.

"Let's hurry up, I'm bored as fuck." I trudged toward the room the room.

"Cmon then Katsubro! Hurry up!" She jogged ahead.

"Fuck you Ashidobitch!" To her laughter.

"You actually know my name! I'm honoured!" She giggled.


We got into the training room and got into fighting positions.

"Why are we doing this again?" I questioned.

"Because you're really strong, and I want to train against you so I can get stronger too." She grumbled.

"I'm not even that strong, Racoon Eyes." I huffed.

"Bullshit." She shook her head laughing.

"Let's do this then!" She punched the air.

(A/n: I'm sorry if you wanted an epic fight scene but I don't know how to write one)

After the sparring match was over we were both on the floor breathing heavily.

"How the fuck does Kirishima go up against you everyday?" Mina asked between breaths. "It's his manly perseverance isn't it?"

She laughed and I joined in laughing too until we were too exhausted to do anything.

"So how's it going between you and Kirishima then?" She faced me. "Are you engaged yet?"

"What the fuck Mina?! Of course not!"

"Awwww, I was looking forward to organising your wedding!" She slammed her fist onto the ground.

"Ain't happening." Mina looked disappointed.

"At least tell me you two are dating! Spill the tea, sis."

"Don't fucking tell anyone." She punched the air and squealed in delight. "But yeah."

"Oh my god YESSSS! My heart!" She held her hands over her heart. "My babies Baku and Kiri have found true love."

"You're weird."

"You're weirder!"

We laughed again until we literally fell asleep, which didn't take long because we were both exhausted.

Fluffy chapter?
Mina and Baku is one of my favourite friendships. Actually, any friendship in the Bakusquad is amazing.
It's currently half past nine in the morning and this is like the earliest I've ever been awake when it's not a weekday.

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