Happy Belated Birthday Baku

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Bakugou's PoV

"Jeez Katsuki, you've been in bed all day! Get up!" I groaned and turned away from Kirishima to face the wall. I was way too tired to even think about getting out of bed but Kirishima persisted. "If you don't get up now I'll-I'll--!" I turned my head to look at him and smirked. "You'll what?" Kirishima thought long and hard before answering this.

"I'll throw your shirt out of the window!" He announced suddenly he stood up wearing only his Crimson Riot boxers and walked away from the bed. I covered my bright red face as I began to regret my life choices. I put on my most stubborn grin and refused to get out of bed.

He picked my shirt from off the floor, brandishing it smugly. He went to the window and opened it slowly, savouring my overconfident expression. I grinned as menacingly as I could manage considering I was practically naked and lying under a Crimson Riot duvet. "You wouldn't dare." He grinned and flung my shirt straight out of the window. I gasped in half fake surprise and half actual surprise. I hadn't actually expected him to do it.

"It just rained out there! It's going to be fucking soaked!" I screeched to his even wider grin. He looked me in the eye evilly. "Better get out bed quickly before it rains again." I shut my mouth which I just realised had been open.

"Well good luck trying to get me out of bed now, I have nothing to lose!" I cackled evilly. He laughed back just as evilly and I paused. He had picked up my jeans and was holding them half out the window. "No, you wouldn't!" I held my hand to my head as any damsel in distress would. "I would if you don't get your ass out of bed!"

"I refuse! You can't threaten me Shitty Hair!" It's been a while since I used that nickname and I savoured every drop of shock caused by it. "Oh I can." The redhead replied. He moved his hand further out the window. "Okay, okay! You win, I give up!" I said as I began climbing out of bed, finally listening to the rational parts of my brain. It didn't last long.

As I lifted up the blanket I had to drop it again instantly if I wanted to keep my dignity. I had chosen this particular day to wear my All Might boxers. I turned bright red. Kirishima looked at me expectantly, his arm holding my jeans back at his side and not out of the window.

"I have one condition," I didn't know what to use as my condition, damn it, I didn't think ahead. I put on my smug grin again to hide my embarrassment. "You'll have to beg!" I cackled evilly. This was a dumb idea, to say the least.

Kirishima laughed. "Is that so?" He held his arm back out the window again. "Sorry I can't do that." He then dropped my jeans straight out the window and into his backyard. 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.' My mind screamed.

"Oops, sorry about that. If you want them back you have to beg." I looked at him incredulously, no way in hell was this guy gonna make me beg, let alone to ask him to get my clothes that he just threw out the window.

"Why Eiji? I trusted you?" I tried to give my biggest puppy dog eyes. He chuckled then looked out the window.

"It seems like it could rain any second now and..." He held up his hand and I heard a door opening and closing, then the sound of a car. "My moms just left." I looked confused so he continued. "You can go out now to get them but I don't want you blinding the neighbors." I blushed as red as his hair either with anger or embarrassment, maybe both.

"Though if you're nice enough, I'll let you borrow some of my clothes." I sighed in relief, I was worried he was actually going to make me go out in my underwear. "If you say please."

"No way in hell!" He just shook his head. "Go out in your underwear then, though I do warn you, some of our classmates live around here." I turned white.

I pointed at him angrily. "You can't do this! It's my birthday!!" Shock appeared on his face but it quickly vanished. "Better hurry up, then. I might give you a birthday kiss if you're quick." I hid under the blankets to hide my blush and he laughed. This guy is evil.

Oops I kinda forgot to update yesterday.
But yeah, I don't know what this chapter is
Thanks for 9k reads by the way.

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