Oh dear

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(It took me longer to come up with a chapter name that to write this chapter smh)
Kirishima's PoV

After seven minutes of struggling, we managed to free everyone from the tape before the party started. Ochaco quickly managed to sort out all the drinks and lay them out on tables. As guests began filling up the room, I realised a bunch of them weren't even from UA, causing me to question how good Heights Alliance security really is. Some of them were wearing matching outifts, they looked like clones with different hairstyles.

I asked Urarka about how they got in. "I got Aizawa's permission." She said proudly. I stared at her in disbelief. "Well... I got Present Mic's permission and Aizawa was there, I'm pretty sure he was asleep, but still." I nodded, that made a lot more sense.

I moved around the party looking for Bakugou, only to realise he was on the other side of the room with Kaminari. Those idiots were both drinking some of Uraraka's cheap alcoholic drinks and most likely getting drunk. I looked around for Sero, who was supposed to be looking after them, only to find him having a staring contest with Shouji. I sighed and tried to make my way across to them.

Now that I was closer I could hear more of what they were saying. Bakugou was shouting something along the lines of "I'm so fucking amazing, did ya see that?" And downing another shot. "I'm not even f-fuckming drink!" And cackling. I laughed, though I could barely hear myself over the music that began blaring.

The crowd began getting harder and harder to get through, even to just see through. I tried to stumble closer to Katsuki but I kept getting pushed back. I was half tempted to activate my quirk and force them all out of my way until I remembered that this was a party, and I was supposed to be friendly.

Suddenly, I heard crashes around where Bakugou and Kaminari were but I couldn't see what they were doing over on the other side of the room anymore through the crowd. I hurried up, pushing people past to get to them to see if they were okay when I heard yelling.

All the people with matching outfits turned in unison to where the two loud blondes were, and began running in that direction. I tried to catch up with them but they were way too fast.

The music cut off startlingly and most people began looking to see what was going on. Now that the crowd had decreased in size I could just see the hole in the wall and the people in blue standing around the cavity in the building and holding people back. I jumped up on my feet to see where Bakugou was, I couldn't see him anywhere. Oh not again, not again.

Then, as soon as people began to realise what was happening the clone-like people suddenly disappeared. I ran forward and looked out to the grounds, nothing seemed different out there. They were obviously professionals who had broken in and out. How did Ochaco know these people?

I began searching around for her, I was going to demand to find out who every single one of them was and I was going to make them tell me where Bakugou is. No sign of her anywhere. Sero jogged up behind me with puffy eyes. He tried to speak but it came out in fragments.

"They-they fucking took him." He grabbed onto my shoulder. "They took them both." I stopped. Wait... both? I looked at his face, his eyes seemed like shattered glass. I looked away from them.

"Who?" I said, clenching hands into fists at my sides. I looked Sero in the eyes again, determined to stay on track. "Who did they take?" He gulped.

"Uraraka, the men in blue." He shook his head angrily. "They took Denki and Bakugou." He gripped my shoulders tightly. My mind went blank other than the angry questions that boiled to the surface. Why? Why Katsuki, again? Why Kaminari? Who? Where are they?

"They took Denki." Sero let go of me and the boy in front of me seemed to collapse, but he was still standing shakily. Everything about him seemed to give up. I tried to comfort him but stumbled over what to say. Before I could think of anything, the dark haired boy ran. He slammed the door behind him.

It was Mina's birthday yesterday and I totally forgot! So yeah, happy birthday. (And it was Deku's birthday ages ago but shhhh)

Thanks for 43k

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