Baku is a whole ass mood

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Bakugou's PoV

I followed Kirishima up the stairs and down the corridor, the corridor was noticeably smaller than mine at home but it felt so much more comfortable. We finally arrived at his door, it was simple white like most doors but with a poster. Crimson Riot is what the poster said, Kirishima seems like a huge fan, he's always talking about him.

"Sorry if my room's a mess, I wasn't expecting anyone to see it." Kirishima laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm sure it's fucking fine, plus your mom said she cleaned up in here." I reminded him shaking my head, in turn giving myself a headache. I grabbed my head instinctively and nearly toppled over. Kirishima grabbed my arm. "Wow dude, you okay?" He looked me in the eyes worriedly.

I nodded and I stepped back, almost falling again. My head felt like it was pounding. My breathing got faster, I could see Kirishima stepping towards me but he was starting to get blurrier. Everything began getting darker and the room was spinning.

"Fucking fabulous." I mumbled before my eyes shut and my head hit the floor.

Yeah sorry for this short and shitty chapter, I've been really busy but as it looks so far, today is the least busy I am this week so I thought I'd update so there's at least be one for this week. I'll try to add more throughout the rest of the week I'd I can though.

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