Perfectly Normal Situation

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I tried to appease the title gods, they were not pleased with my offerinngs.

Sero's PoV

"Okay, absolutely none of this is my fault whatsoever. Not a single part of this has any correlation to myself and/or my quirk. Not a bit. If you were to blame anyone, you should blame Kaminari, he should take more responsibility for his actions." I managed to gasp out through the tape covering my face.

"Sero, babe." Denki laughed. "You're not fooling anyone." Mina nodded in agreement, as if she thought this was my fault. I huffed.

"Um... Need a hand, honey?" The pink haired girl asked as I tried to shake my head through the tape, I think she got the message. She and the others sighed, looking at the tape covering half of the room and holding me suspended in the air.

"How did you even manage?" Uraraka tapped her foot on the ground impatiently, waiting for an answer. Truthfully, I don't even remember how this happened but it was not my fault.

"This fool saw a spider." Kaminari chuckled. The girls laughed. I groaned in shame, this was definitely not my proudest moment. I tried shuffling around in the mess but found I couldn't move other than small movements like speaking and blinking.

Mina took her phone out of her pocket. For a terrifying moment, I thought she was going to take a picture. Instead she started calling someone. I tried to look closer but her moved the device to her ear.

"Kiri, we need help, code three. Get over here." She eyed me. "Quickly." A few buzzes could be heard from the other end. Mina shook her head. "Fine, bring your boyfriend as well. Hurry!" She turned off her phone before returning it to her pocket. She looked at me with pity.

"Shouldn't you have called someone who can climb? Like Tsu or Ojiro?" I whined. "Even Ibara would've done!"

"Jeez, I'm getting you help! Stop complaining." Mina tried to shut me up. I carried on complaining.

Bakugou's PoV

I woke up violently to find myself sitting up on a bed. I looked around to see where I was, to find myself in Kirishima's dorm room, the punching bag and posters made it pretty clear. I turned my head further and realised I was leaning on Kirishima. I almost jumped off but managed to stop myself. He seemed to be still asleep, so he hopefully hadn't realised I have already woken up.

Gently, so I didn't wake him up, I moved my head back to his shoulder when it was before. He let out a shorter breath and I froze, hoping he didn't wake. When his breathing went back to a steady rhythm, I relaxed and leaned back against his shoulder. I shut my eyes, drifting back to sleep.

Suddenly I shot awake again to the sound of ringing. Kirishima's phone was going off frantically on the top of Kirishima's bedframe. Pink face's name appeared on the screen. Kirishima groaned, trying to reach round the to get the phone. I picked it up for him and passed it over. He answered it, groaning. I raised my eyebrows at him, he nodded to me.

After a few seconds he yawned and nodded. "Can I bring Bakugou?" He asked hopefully. This fuckhead was too damn cute, I felt like punching him. He grinned at me and put his thumbs up. I sighed happily, but also angrily because I just had the best sleep of my damn life only for it to be ruined by some bitch.

Kirishima interrupted my thoughts. "Oh wait," He looked closer at his phone screen. "It's like one in the afternoon. We were supposed to be at school hours ago." He seemed genuinely concerned.

"Dumbass, we've been hours late to school so much I don't think they even give a shit anymore." I pointed out. He relaxed slightly, shaking his head.

"That's not exactly a good thing Kat." He chuckled. I almost laughed along with him but tried to scowl instead. It didn't work, I had a smirk plastered across my face, but at least I managed to stop myself from laughing.

"Sure it is." I shuffled back, leaning on his shoulder once more. He smiled at me. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"This is probably going to be really weird, but like..." Kirishima started, I raised my eyebrows further to get him to continue. "Can I like, kiss you?" My other eyebrow shot up to reach the other one.

"Fucking hell-fine!" I accidentally shouted the last part. "Why are you suddenly so awkward about it?" He shrugged. I turned around, making sure I looked as reluctant as possible. I turned my head up to him and our lips met. We kissed for a bit longer than expected but I didn't mind.

"Okay we have to go now, Sero's in danger." I gave him a confused look. He shrugged, obviously he had no idea what was going on either.

"Fucking fine then." I groaned.

Sorry this was just a weird overall chapter, I've been busy as fuck lately so I haven't been able to update so you're welcome to kill me.
But thanks for over 40k reads I was not expecting this story to get much at all but wow.

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