What did he just say?

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Kirishima woke up first and gazed at the sleeping Bakugou. Damn, he's cute.
He stared for a little longer until he realised Bakugou was starting to stir.
He quickly faced away.
Wait what was that?
The bathroom door was ajar and the light was on.
Maybe he just went to the toilet. He thought. I need to stop worrying all the time.
Bakugou now was fully awake and extremely sore.
"You okay bro?"
"Why wouldn't I be Shitty Hair?"
"You seem kinda off..." He scratched the back of his neck slowly.
"It's nothing."
"You sure?" He didn't seem convinced.
"Yeah I'm sure." Bakugou huffed.
"If ya say so."

Bakugou suggested they should have breakfast and quickly rushed down the stairs.
Kirishima followed after him, panting.
"Why are you so exhausted we just walked down the stairs?"
"I don't even know." Kirishima laughed.
"Pathetic." But he laughed too.
Kirishima looked at his best friend and felt a warmth spread over his cheeks.
He's so perfect, he thought dreamily.
"The fuck you staring at Shitty Hair?!"
"Oh nothing!!!" He quickly apologised.
Then he paused, Bakugou was about as red as his hair. "Are you blushing?"
Bakugou was silenced.
"You can't say anything, you're as pink as Racoon Eyes!"
"And you look like a tomato." He laughed.
"Fuck you!"
"You wish."
Bakugou stopped. "I-uh...w-what?" He somehow managed to turn even redder.
"I did not mean to say that!" Kirishima stammered.
Bakugou was speechless. "Uh-um-yeah-no-what-oops." He mumbled.
"What the heck was that?"
"Shut up Shitty Hair!"
"Make me!"
"Okay, okay." Kirishima held up his hands in defence. "Jeez, I didn't realise it was possible for a human to turn so red..."
"Fuck off!" As Kirishima started laughing at his shocked face.
Oh my god he's so cute. They thought simultaneously.

What is this? Happiness? Written by me????
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Sorry if this feels like a filler, I'm hoping to add more interesting plot points.

Anyways, I'm gonna try to update as many times as possible from now on if that's okay.

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