Surprise! *Jazz Hands*

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Sero's PoV

When Bakugou and Mina had caused a scene in the classroom and had gotten everyone's attention, I slipped a note to Denki. It said 'Meet me on the roof after school.' I had to tell him something pretty big, hopefully it doesn't ruin everything.

He read the note at the speed of a racing snail. After what felt like hours he turned to me and nodded happily. I could feel my heart beating so fast I felt like it could stop at any moment.

Calm down, Hanta! You can do this... maybe.

I turned back around and faced the front of the class, I could feel my cheeks heating up. I brought my hands up to my face to cover them.

Jeez, why is this so hard?


"So you wanted to meet me up here?" Kaminari appeared behind me.

I sat on the balcony in the roof of the school, right by the edge. It was pretty safe though, as long as I didn't just jump right off.

"Mhm," I couldn't even open my mouth to speak properly, damn this is embarrassing.

"So-uh... what is this about?" I could tell he was pretty nervous about what I was going to say too. Though he's a lot better at hiding it.

"Uh-yeah..." Oh my god, just push me off. "I kinda..." I gulped.

"Yeah...?" He stepped forward.

"I don't want this to ruin our friendship... but I... will you... do you want to..." This is so embarrassing, just let it end.
"Date me please!" I gasped out.

I flushed the colour of a beetroot and covered my face so quickly that I probably left handprints.

I looked up and saw him going pink as well. "Uh-oh my god... my mom would kill me if she found out... Fuck it! YES YOU DAMN FOOL!!"

"Oh my god really?" I could feel tears running down my face. I wiped them away with my sleeve. "Sorry, I'm such a cheeseball..."

He threw his arms around me. "You're the best cheeseball!" He grinned and I hugged him back. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting..." he shook his head and laughed.

"For what?" I looked up, bright red and tears still dripping down my face.

"For this." He pulled at my collar and kissed me.

After he pulled back I was even more of a blushing mess.

"Oh my god, I'm the luckiest man alive." I felt lightheaded but in the best way possible.

"No I am." He grinned.

"Oh fuck!" I face palmed, "How on All Might's Earth are we going to tell the others?!"

"Leave that to me!"

"Oh no..." Leave it to Denki? That didn't sound like the best idea, but it'd be better than me trying to say it.

Fluffy Kamisero gives me oxygen.
Sorry for the lack of updates lately and the terrible writing quality.
I've been writing this on my phone and it's pretty rushed.
And sorry for the recent chapters having nothing to do with the original idea of Kiribaku, but I'll be trying to do more of that.
But thanks so much for over 200 votes and 2k reads!

Sorry for being so slow updating though, I just have to keep up with practicing art and homework while studying my other subjects and I have to do some pretty important things at school right now that could change what career I could get, so it's a mess. I don't even have time to watch anime THAT'S JUST SCARY.

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