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Diary entry 7
Dear diary,

Again I sit in my cramped room holding the last piece of paper she sent. She sends them day after day. I put it down on the desk and look around. Who could it be. This girl that writes me note every other day is haunting my mind, I can't get her out. I feel so close to her and I don't know the slightest thing. I look down and pick up the note once more. It was written in some sort of code. I need to know. I read through it once more

'axeeh tztbg,
bm bl fx. max hgx pah dxxil pkbmbgz mh rhn. b tf tptkx malm rhn atox rxm mh wxvhwx fr fxlltzxl.b pbee dxxi mxeebgz rhn tgrptrl. b yxxe ngabgzxw paxg b tf tkhngw rhn. b lxx max phkew wbyyxkxgmer. b lxx hger uetvd tgw pabmx. by rhn yheehp fr phkwl rhn ftr ngwxklmtgw patm bl atiixgbgz. iextlx eblmxg mh xvah. yhk bm bl lhfxmabgz pblxk matg nl uhma. iextlx kxtw fhkx tgw wxvhwx zaxf by rhn vtg.  zhhwgbzam hgvx fhkx.


Written in a certain cipher I can't quite figure out. It resonates with me. On earlier messages it had the words ceaser spread across the back. That could be a clue or maybe just a trick. I sit alone in my room awaiting the letter that is due today.


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