Preparing for the future

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I had my shower, put on a pair of leggings and one of the T-shirt's Tom had loaned me, it dwarfed my already slim frame and fitted me more like a short dress. I tied my hair back up as I no longer need to cover my neck and shoulders and went to go downstairs. As I went down the first step I could still hear voices although they were much calmer and Matty had stopped crying, so I sat down on the top step and listened in on the conversation.

"I think your right Matty it's best at least for now, it would be too much to send her, this is a much better idea considering the circumstances"

"Thanks for your help with all this, and are you sure your ok to come with us this afternoon, I just think having a female with us might help you know. Jem seemed to take to you yesterday."

"No problem sweetie and it's my pleasure. Your doing a great job you know, really stepping up to the plate, I'm so proud of you. I still can't believe what that girls been through, she must be one tough cookie. Just be prepared for a few hiccups along the way, it's not going to be easy for her, you can't go through all that without having a few issues."

"I know, I just want to keep her safe, she's adamant she doesn't want the police involved, maybe I can persuade her, I just don't want to push it and have her clam up on me"

Tom appeared at the bottom of the staircase and saw me sat there listening. I looked embarrassingly at him as if I'd been caught in the act of doing something bad. He smiled at me and slowly walked up the stairs and sat next to me. "It suits you" he whispered pointing towards his top that I was wearing. "Don't worry, my mums cool, as far as mums go that is."

"Are they sending me somewhere?" I ask worriedly

"Your not going anywhere, your stuck with us little Jem" he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Come on, I've got ya" Tom said sweetly taking my hand gently and leading me down the stairs to join everyone. "Look who I found" Tom announced our arrival.

"Sweetie, Matty's filled me in on everything, you poor little love, come here" Sandra walked over to me and gently hugged me, I realised I was still holding Toms hand and he gave it a little squeeze noting my discomfort at being hugged.

"Come sit little sis, we need to talk to you" Matty waved me into the room. The boys, Sandra and I all sat round like we were having a business meeting or something, I began to feel the worry building up inside me, my hands shaking with anxiety once more.

"Have you changed your mind Matty, are you sending me back to England?" I blurted out in a panicked voice. Tom grabbed my hand again to calm me down.

"What! no of course not, I had enrolled you in the local school to start next week but I've been talking it over with Sandra and we think it would be better if you homeschooled, at least for now. That way you can stay here and come with us when we go back on tour. Then we can focus on getting you fit and well at the same time. I thought maybe the pressure of starting a new school with new people, in a strange country might be just a little too overwhelming for you right now. But I mean it's up to you of course." Matty explained.

"Ummm yeah I guess so, I hadn't given school much thought to be honest. Whatever you think is best, but I don't want to be in the way or anything."

"You won't be. Besides Matty might be better behaved on the tour bus if your there" Tom giggled. I giggled back and nodded my head to Matty to say I agreed.

"Right that's settled then. Legal Guardian slash teacher slash rock star is my official new job title then, I wonder if I get triple pay." Matty joked . "Ok go get your shoes on we're all going shopping and getting you kitted out, the full works, Sandra's coming with us and she's made a list you can look it over in the car and add anything else you want."

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