Its never going to be over

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We got the restraining order easily, and I was waiting by the phone as the lawyers said today was the day we would find out what was happening. I was praying that they were going to lock up that bastard for what he'd done, Jem had said she didn't want to go give evidence in person in a court so I was hoping with everything we had that we had enough evidence to go ahead.   The waiting was agony, it had been weeks. I could tell it was affecting Jem, at least we had finished the album and only had a few interviews we had to go to, meaning I've been able to focus on Jem these past few weeks.  I sat at the counter watching my phone, waiting and willing it to ring while listening to Jem and the boys play nerf wars in the garden.  The phone rang and I answered it instantly.

"Matty, hey it's Doug. I've heard from the lawyers"

"And is it good news or bad?"

"No chance of custody case being reopened"

"Oh my god thank you" I sighed in relief, I'd known for I while his claim had been turned down, but there were murmurs of an appeal, I didn't want to tell Jem until I was 100% certain.

"Matty....they've arrested him"

"What, really?"

"They said that there's enough clear evidence. She doesn't need to give evidence in person."

"I can't, Oh my god, you have no idea" I stumbled over my words tears filling my eyes as I watched a happy looking Jem running around the garden laughing.

"They want a statement from her and from you, but that's it, I'll send you all the details and they'll be contacting you sooner rather than later. I am so pleased for you all Matty, this is going to be the start of a new chapter for you all, send Jemima my love"

"Yeah yeah I will, thank you again"

Oh my god, I was so happy, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I ran into the garden the instant I had hung up. "JEM!"

"WHAT?" She was hiding behind Tom using him as a human shield against Max and Milo's nerf darts.


"Matty did they ring?" Ed figured out what I was trying to get out, I nodded and they all ran over, Tom pulling Jem reluctantly by the arm behind him.

"They've got him, they've arrested him, no court, just a statement.  He's going down Jem, no custody rights, no nothing" The boys all yelled and gasped sounds of relief, Jem just stood there expressionless, I wasn't sure the information had sunk in, I pulled her in for hug. "It's over Jem, it's over" I spoke into her hair kissing her head repeatedly.  But she pulled away from me and ran into the house. "Jem?"

"Matty, it's not over, not for her, it's never going to go away mate" max patted my back trying to explain, I know that they had been talking one on one a lot lately.

"Shit I didn't think, I didn't mean it like that."

"She's still struggling with panic attacks, they're smaller but I've heard her a couple of nights this week crying in her sleep." Max continued

"Yeah me too" Tom said

"She can't just flick a switch and forget everything that happened" Milo said sadly.

"Go to her Matty, just listen to her" max said giving me a gentle shove in the direction of the house. I went in and found her on the sofa, hugging her knees silent tears rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them away quickly when she saw me coming in, as if she didn't want me to see her crying.

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