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It's been two weeks since we got back, it was hard to say goodbye to my friends, but we had such a good time while they were here. William had gone to Holland for a week with the orchestra and then was visiting his mum back in England before coming back to Australia, he messaged me all the time, sending me random pictures of things he had seen that he thought I would like. The boys were back in the studio again finishing up the album, and I went with them, doing some school work while I waited for them. I had been throwing myself into to school work since being back, I had to admit I was struggling again with everything that had happened.

"Hey kiddo, we're done, let's go" Matty called out from the studio.

I quietly gathered my stuff together and waited for them by the door. I could hear them talking through the partly closed door.

"Dude, she's been so quiet since we got back, do you think she's worried about the whole Steve thing still?" Max asked

"I mean she's got to be right, but she hasn't said anything. Maybe she's missing her friends too" Matty replied

"Anymore updates from the lawyers?" Tom seemed worried

"They've put all our counter stuff in, I'm just waiting now I guess, I think there's a thing with a judge in a few weeks, I'm just hoping we don't have to go to it in person, I don't think I could handle seeing that prick, I don't even want to think about how Jem would cope with having to see him again."

No, wait, why hadn't he told me any of this. Go back to England, to see him, no, what if they didn't let me leave with Matty and made me stay with him. I could feel the panic rising in me, my breathing was fast, my hands clammy, my heart pounding in my chest, I had to get out of here I couldn't breath. I swung open the door running as fast as I could down the stairs and out into the street, where Jack was waiting by the car for us.

"Jemima, everything ok?" He said moving towards me. I shook my head at him and darted in the other direction as fast as I could.

"Jemima Wait, I'll get Matty, Wait" he was calling after me but I somehow managed to out run him, ducking into a side street. I continued to run until I no longer recognised where I was, I looked around and saw a beach up ahead. I ran to it and slumped down onto the warm sand. I was out of breath as I had been running for sometime, so I sat trying to steady my quickened breaths.

I watched the waves as they crashed back and forth, finding it calming, until my phone started to ring. I answered but stayed silent.

"Jem, where are you?........jem are you ok?......jem please just say something anything just let me know your ok please"

"I'm ok Matty" I ushered into the phone barely above a whisper.

"Where are you kiddo?"

"I....I...I'm sorry" I hung up the phone on him

Then tears started to fall from my eyes silently. I continued to watch the waves through my watery gaze, ignoring my phone constantly ringing and pinging with messages and missed calls from all the boys and Jack, until it started to get dark. I took out my phone and dialled Matty.

"Jem, thank god" an extremely panicked Matty sighed out loudly

"I need you" I whispered

"I'm coming, where are you?"

"I don't know, I can see the ocean and a big rock thing, I don't know." I cried down the phone.

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