Hardest day

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Jem was laying on the hospital bed sleeping when we came in, but was tossing and turning a lot, semi opening her eyes now and then, and indeed she was mumbling my name in her sleep. I sat next the bed holding her small frail hand, rubbing it with my thumb gently. I couldn't get the image of her limp lifeless body lying in my arms out of my head.

"What do I say to her?" I asked Sandra

"Honestly, I don't know sweetheart, just be here, that's all you can do"

"I can't believe we nearly lost her, how could I have been so stupid"

"We all let this one slip through our fingers mate, this ones on us all" Max attempted to comfort me

"No, I was the one that left her on her own, me"

"Yeah but one of us could have come up with you, there are so many what ifs in life Matty" Milo was right, there were a million what ifs, or things we could have done slightly differently that day that might have changed the outcome.

The door opened and one of our management team stepped in, a middle aged man named Doug, he was one of the ones who had a teenage daughter the same age as Jem.

"Sorry lads, is it ok if I come in" I nodded and he stepped through the door closing it behind him " how's she doing"

"No change" Ed informed him "which I think is a good thing"

"Oh that's good, that's good" he was looking shifty or maybe he was just feeling awkward at the situation "Look I'm sorry lads I know this is bad timing and all but.."

"But what? Spit it out Doug, we're all tired mate so just get to the point" max whined at him. I know max and Jem had become close since the whole Felix disaster, and this was hitting him just as hard as it had been hitting me.

"Someone's leaked Jemima's attempted suicide to the press."

"You had better be joking" Tom gasped

"I'm sorry, I know you wanted it out of the press, we're trying to do damage control. We need to make an official statement, we think it would be better coming directly from Matty, or all of you, or whatever, I'm so sorry boys I know you don't need this right now"

"What do you want us to say?" Ed asked

"I can help you write something if you like, put it out on the bands social media page or I don't know, just let me know how you want to handle this, I guess it's ultimately up to Matty and Jemima?"

"No, leave her out of this. I'll do it, I'll put something on my personal Account, then someone can copy it or something to the band one, does that sound ok? Do you need to approve it before I post." I tried my best to keep my voice steady and confident but I could feel it starting to crack.

"No no I'll leave it to you Matty, oh and Matty we've heard back from the lawyers"


"I'm sorry Matty, but it looks like he's put in a custody claim"

"Shit" I flopped my head onto the bed.

"They said he has little to no chance though being a non blood relative, and because of her age, but they said...." he trailed off.

"Please just tell me" I sighed

"They said it might help cement your case if you...if Jemima went public about the abuse, especially as none of it was reported in the uk."

"Right I see....I don't know....can I think about it....discuss it with Jem and the boys and get back to you"

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