Posh boy

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We checked into the hotel and waited in the lobby seating area for peter and Tammy to arrive.  Jem had still not said if she was going to perform or not, but she was excited to see her friends again.

"DOODLEBUG!" A familiar voice rang out through the lobby loudly. Jem jumped up and sprinted into peters arms and he threw her up in the air and caught her just like he had done at the house, Jem's disappearing waistline made it even easier for him throw her around.

"STILL NOT A BLOODY RAGDOLL DUDE!" I yelled at peter. To which he apologised but laughed at the same time, before flopping on a sofa and pulling Jem on top of him.

"Geez you two, way to make a girl feel like a third wheel" Tammy whined at them. Jem pulled her on to the sofa and they all belly laughed like little school kids, it was nice to see Jem acting her age a bit more around her friends, she'd had had to grow up pretty fast, she often spoke like someone much older than sixteen, she had seen and experienced far too much that she shouldn't have at her age, she was denied a normal childhood so it was good to see her a little more care free just having some fun.  We all chatted for a while before the topic came up of the concert that was in five days time.

"So Em made a decision yet?" Peter asked hesitantly

"I just don't know"

"You know, I know there's a certain someone who would love to have you on board" Tammy wiggled her eyebrows smirking at Jem.

"What WHO?" Jem looked just as confused as I was.

"A certain posh musical prodadgy we both know"

"What William? William's working on the concert?" Jem gasped in recognition of the description.

"Who's William?" I interjected into their conversation.

"Just a friend from school, part of our little social group, he left to go do some posh classical music school thingy not long before Jem came here....he had a thing for a little Em here!" Peter nudgged Jem with his foot as if teasing her.

"Shut up no he didn't" Jem protested

"You are kidding me Em, he was totally smitten, he has not stopped asking about you since we got here, he was the one who suggested you in the first place! it's been Jemima this and Jemima that!" Peter tickled her before turning to me turning serious "he's been totally head over heals for her for years, but Em was totally oblivious.  Don't worry Matty he's a proper prim a proper posh boy, nothing like Felix at all total opposite in fact, and way hotter."

"I am completely off all men!" Jem announced "as a general species your all stupid! You have nothing to worry about Matty"

"He's totally hot Jem, you can't say you don't fancy him just a little bit, wait till you see him I swear he's got even better looking since you last saw him!" Tammy continued to tease Jem.

"You have him then if you think he's so hot"

"He only has eyes for our little Em, although he insists on calling you Jemima, but he sounds really sexy when he does so we've stopped correcting him now"  Tammy continued trying to do a posh English accent when saying Jem's name.

"OH MY GOD pleeeeaaassse SHUT UP I don't like him like that, I don't like anyone like that, he sure as hell doesn't like me like that, it's all in your heads!" Jem sternly protested covering her fire red blushing face. "He hardly ever spoke to me, he was Peter's friend more than mine. Anyway I'm flying solo from now on."

"Too bad cos there's a tall dark and extremely handsome posh boy coming towards us right now!" Peter pointed towards a boy entering the lobby.

"WHAT, what's he doing here!" Jem scurried behind the sofa to hide while we laughed at her.

"Jemima? Is that you?" An extremely posh English accent asked trying to see behind the sofa, where you could see Jem's pink hair poking out. She peered over the sofa comically.

"Hi, I errr dropped something"

"I don't know if your remember me, I'm peter's friend William from school" he said holding out his hand to help Jem off the floor in a gentlemanly fashion.  I raised one eyebrow at the other boys who were sniggering and looking him over.

"Ummm yeah yeah ummmm I remember, peters friend" Jem said flustered as she took his hand to pull herself to her feet.

"It's very good to see you again Jemima."

"You too" Peter started to snigger and Jem slapped him discreetly behind her back. "Um this is my brother Mathew...Matty.  I'm living with him now....here...well not here...not in the hotel.....but in Australia, Matty this is peter's friend William....from England." Jem stuttered over her words cutely.  William offered out his hand for me to shake.

"it's very nice to meet you Mr Miller"

"Matty's fine, nice to meet you William". I took his hand and shook it firmly, I was wary of his obvious interest in my little sister, but part of me liked seeing Jem be a normal sixteen year old girl, acting shy and giggling at the handsome boy talking to her.

"So Jemima, will you be joining us for the performance on Saturday?" He asked very matter of fact.

"Oh yeah sure"

wait what Jem just agreed to perform, just like that!

"Great, are you ok to go over a few things now, I've got my laptop with me. Peter and I had a few ideas I think your going to like, but I'd value your input.  I remember you were a fantastic musician back at school."

"Oh I'm not that good, I'm not sure what we're doing right now" Jem looked at me. Peter jumped to his feet quickly.

"Can we kidnap this gorgeous candy floss head for a few hours Matty?" Peter wide eyed me, as if to say please say yes before she changes her mind.

"I guess so, but don't go too far please." I sounded like such a dad I mentally rolled my eyes at myself.

"We'll just be in the bar over there Mr Miller, I mean not in the bar, just at the tables, just orange juices all round I assure you Mr Miller" William flustered but remained as prim and proper as peter had described him.  Peter and Tammy sniggered to themselves again, Jem shushing them, flapping her hands behind her back at them.

"Sure fine with me, and it's just Matty kid"

"Shall we" William offered his hand out to Jem which she gingerly took before grabbing peter with her other hand to make sure he was following them.  The four of them walked off and sat at a large table in the bar area.

"Okay!" Ed strung out laughing "he's very um posh!"

"We didn't even get an introduction!" Milo whined.

"Shush I'm trying to watch" I flapped at them

"She's with peter and Tammy in a public place she's fine. Chill for a second and take a breather." Ed tried to reassure me.

"Hmmmm I suppose your right, let's go over the plans for the next few days, while we're waiting, I don't want to go too far away, Justin; case she needs me."

Ed rolled his eyes at me and went to get our manager to sit with us to go over everything, I half listened while I watched Jem and her friends out of the corner of my eye.

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