Felix down under

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Three weeks later and I was still a mess. I lived in Felix's hoodie most of the time and sulked around the house and I was back to not eating very much at all.  I cried all the time, even though I tried to hide it from the boys but I think they knew. I was so mad at Felix, he continued to bombard me with calls or texts but I hadn't answered any of them since he had rung me high off his head with some tart in the background, but I missed him, or maybe I just missed us, missed having someone who supposedly cared and loved me.

It was late and I was laying in my bed in Felix's nirvana hoodie again, attempting to sleep but failing miserably, when I heard loud banging at the front door followed by name.


I cautiously stuck my head round the door and moved to the top of the stairs peering at the front door confused.

"Em I know you're in there, I'm not going until you open this damn door and talk to me."

The boys all peered out of their bedroom doors with sleepy confused faces.

'What's going on?" Milo sleepily asked

"I don't know, I think someone's at the door" I whispered

"What! it's the middle of the night!" A half asleep Tom complained

BANG BANG BANG, the thumping grew more intense. Everyone was now crowded at the top of the stairs starring at the door warily.


"Felix?" I questioned outloud

"What?" Matty's shocked voice piped up.

"I think that's Felix!" I stated slightly confused and shocked, it couldn't be.

"Em, if you don't answer this door I'm gonna sing our song as loud as I can"

"SHIT! Oh no no no no no" I muttered rushing down the stairs and opening the door. I knew exactly which song he was talking about and the last thing I wanted was my brother to hear the explicit lyrics that Felix had written about me, in some lame attempt at being romantic. Felix hurriedly stepped through the open door instantly grabbing me pulling me in close to him and kissing me roughly and passionately his hands wondering over my body settling on my butt, I have to admit for a moment I forgot everything and started to kiss him back.

"HEY HEY HEY, back off buddy" Matty scuttled down the stairs followed by the other boys.

"Felix this is my brother Matthew...Matty. What the hell are you doing here Felix!" I pulled myself away from his grasp.

"You wouldn't answer my calls, I need to talk to you please Em"

"Felix you can't just turn up at someone's door in the middle of the night"

"I had to see you" he said sweetly stroking my hair

"Well you've seen me now go" I snapped as I swatted his hand away

"You heard her pal now GET OUT." Tom shoved Felix's shoulder

"Touch me again and see what happens PAL" Felix shoved Tom back harder sending Tom stumbling backwards.

"Felix stop" I warned him placing my hands on his chest and standing between him and Tom. I knew Felix could be aggressive especially with other guys so I was keen to deescalate the situation before Tom ended up with a black eye or worse.

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