Grandmother strikes again

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I got dressed and put on a punk rock style dress that laced up the front from the waste but wasn't too short and put a long sleeved cardigan over the top to cover my arms, some black and red sparkly bands and beads on both my wrists, tied my hair up with a red and a black ribbon into my pony tail then packed my scruffy hold-all with enough things for a two night stay, threw my laptop in the bag and a few other things I needed including the preseents I had gotten William for his birthday and Christmas. I hadn't asked Matty yet about staying over, I was just going to wing it, probably not a wise choice, but I was just going to wave good bye, sneak my bag out and call to say I was staying as it was late or something. I ran down the stairs with my stuff once William texted to say he was outside with Harold.

"Bye boys, I'm off" I called from the front door

"Wait a second Jemima I've....." Matty appeared in the hall way, he had obviously been waiting for me to come down, foiling my plan at the first hurdle. "Why do you have your hold-all with you I thought you were going to dinner?"


"Living room now!" He demanded pointing to where he wanted me to go. Shit! I thought to myself, I had been busted already and hadn't even got out the front door. I went and sheepishly sat on the armchair, all the boys were there as was usual for this time of day.

"You gonna tell me what's going on?" Matty stood blocking the doorway, his arms folded across his chest.

"Why do you have a bag with you, I thought you were going for dinner?" Tom asked repeating Matty's question.

"I was going to stay with...I mean at...Williams"

"I don't think so" Matty scoffed

"But Matty..." I whinnied at him stringing out his name

"No buts, you know I'm going to say no!"

"Exactly, that's why I didn't ask!" I continued to whine

"No jemima"

"But Matty his parents are there and they wanted me to go tonight, and his cousins are there tomorrow and William really wanted me to go to that too, it his birthday, and I am sixteen now you know you can't just keep me in this house forever!"

"Jemima I said no"

"Pleeeeaaassse" I begged Matty with a pouty face

"Pouty face might work on Tom but it doesn't work on me"

"Hey" Tom exclaimed

"Sorry mate, but it's true"

"Matty please, it's his birthday! his parents are there they've set up a spare bed and everything it's just easier, you really want me to go come back go and come back again!"

"His parents are there" I nodded eagerly at his question.

"And his crazy ass grandmother! unfortunately" I huffed

"Fine, But I want you to eat some of what ever they give you for dinner, and you sleep in a spare bed NOT Williams, sixteen or not I don't care, no alcohol and you ring if there's anything and I mean anything slightly wrong and I'll come and pick you up, in fact ring me anyway to let me know your ok and..." Matty listed his conditions, I leapt up and jumped on him wrapping my arms and legs around him cutting his rant off.

"Thank you. Thank you. thank you. thank you" I said planting multiple kisses on his face.

"Alright alright I know you love me!" He rolled his eyes "I got you some wine to take to give to his parents, they said it was a good one in the shop, and don't forget the guitar"

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