Surprise arrival

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Three months later and it was Matty's birthday and the boys had organised a party with the parents and they were going to take him out tomorrow for a 'boys night'.  Matty was extremely reluctant to go out without me, I reassured him I was ok, even though I was a bit apprehensive about being home alone all night, I wanted him to go out and have fun.  We were all hanging out in the garden, I was pretty much keeping myself to myself, watching everyone have fun.  Although things had gotten better I found it hard being in group situations.  Since reading the letter from mum, I was finding it hard to believe anyone would want me here, let alone love me like Matty continually kept telling me he did.

"Hey sis, I can just tell everyone to go if your feeling uncomfortable" Matty said beside me.

"I'm fine Matty, go have fun it's your 20th birthday your no longer a teenager!"

"If your fine then why have you been sitting at the far end of the garden by yourself, staring at a tree for the last hour."

"Sorry i didn't realise I was doing it....sorry....I's hard being in a group of people know..."

"I'm telling them all to go" he said overproctivly, standing up

"Matty NO! Sit down! I'm fine!....besides it's a nice tree, it's calming, I like it."

"You didn't eat any of the barbie earlier?"

"I know I wasn't hungry, I'll grab something later ok"

Just then the door bell went, we weren't expecting anyone else, everyone invited was already here.

"I'll get it" George announced "I've got to get some more beers from the fridge anyway." He continued as he walked into the house out of view.  He returned a few moments later with a puzzled and slightly worried look on his face.

"Ummm Em it's for you?" George called across the garden

"What who is it?" I still didn't really know anyone outside of my brothers friendship group who were all here.

"Some English sounding dude?" George said with a worried tone. I tensed in my chair and gripped onto Matty's arm my mind racing at a hundred miles an hour, Felix wouldn't be that stupid surely or maybe Steve had finally decided to show his face!

"That dickhead can't be that stupid to show his face here again!" max angrily rose to his feet.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" Matty muttered as he also rose to his feet. Just then a tallish, dark haired, tanned skin, muscly toned Hispanic boy appeared in the garden from behind George.

"PETEY!" I screeched as I shot out of my chair sprinting across the garden and launching my self at my friend, who caught me throwing me into the air like I was a toddler before catching me in his arms embracing me in a bear hug.

"WOAH there buddy she's not a bloody ragdoll!" Matty worriedly rushed over. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said playfully slapping his arm.

"SURPRISE" he grinned like a Cheshire Cat

"What? Peter? As in your friend peter? From England." Tom questioned

"Guys this is my friend Peter, peter this is my brother Matty and my boys max, Tom, Ed and milo, oh and you met George already." I said pointing to each one.

"Hola" Peter said holding out his hand for a greeting which was not reciprocated by any of the boys. I glared at them for being rude before peter awkwardly retracted his hand. "I was offered an apprentice opportunity for a month or so in Sydney, so I jumped at the chance as it meant I got to come see this doodlebug." He said ruffling my hair as I laughed and swatted his hand away.  He was still holding me in a bear hug as if he was afraid I would runaway if he let go.

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