Last night of fun

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Tammy borrowed some of my clothes, and Peter took another shirt of Matty's. We pulled the mattresses off the beds with all the pillows and duvets and put them together on floor as one giant bed. Jack knocked to check on us and handed us two bags of junk food the boys had instructed him to get for us. He found our giant makeshift bed in the middle of the floor hilariously funny.

We took a selfie of the four of us in a pile up on our make shift bed, and set up a group chat with the five boys, us and jack and posted them the picture. Milo sent us one back of max and and Matty crazy dancing in some bar, obviously a few beers under their belts. We cracked open the junk food William instantly finding the marshmallows knowing I liked them. We took another photo of us with marshmallows stuffed in our mouths and sent it.

Jack: hey where's mine!

I took a handful and ran down the corridor giggling to jacks room giving them to him and taking a photo of the two of us eating them sending it to the group.

Milo: save me some :(

Tammy: sorry we ate them all, actually not sorry they were yummy :0

Milo: aw man no fair!

We got a photo of Matty and Ed dancing with two girls looking like they were getting cosy

Tom: look Matty and Ed found new friends.

Jemima: looks like you might get to see my brothers naked ass tonight after all :0

Tom: hell noooooooooo!

We decided to watch a scary movie. I ended up on Williams lap hiding under the duvet, while peter was hiding behind Tammy using her as a human shield.  We decided to switch it off before peter and I ended up never being able to sleep again.  We got another picture from the boys of Matty and Ed with their shirts off standing on a bridge somewhere with two girls hanging off of them, I wasn't even sure if it was the same two girls from earlier or not to be honest.

Jemima: ewwww bro put your shirt back on your in public!

Matty:it's too hot, and my new friend doesn't seem to mind

Tammy and I made William and Peter reluctantly pose with their shirts off while I draped my hands over William and Tammy over peter while kneeling behind them on our make shift bed, our hands on their bare chests, the boys giving us a kiss on the cheek, we sent the photo to the group.

Peter: my friends don't seem to mind either Matty ;)

There was almost an instant knock on the door and jack calling through the door. "Jemima let me in"

The boys got scared and hid the the bathroom while we let jack in where he picked up the boys shirts and banged on the bathroom door forcefully. "Boys get out here and put your damn shirts on" The boys emerged sheepishly and put their shirts on while jack scolded them.  Giving them an hilarious lecture about appropriate behaviour around young girls, warning them to keep their clothes on and their hands to themselves, he sounded just like one of my brothers! we presumed he didn't know peter was gay as he was lecturing them both equally. Tammy took a picture of the scene and sent it to the boys.

Tammy:Jack to the rescue, he's no fun!

Max: good job jack my boy, keep it PG boys!

We settled back down after jack left, the guys ate some more of the junk food, and William handed me bits of his to eat now and then, he ordered room service milkshakes but charged it to his room.  I think Tammy and peter went into a food coma after that and fell asleep in each other's arms so we covered them up. We took an embarrassing photo of the two of them looking super cute and cosy, posting the photo to the group

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