New hair

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Reluctantly I was dragged out later that night by the boys. We went to a bar, had a few drinks, flirted with a few girls and generally let our hair down for a bit, which I have to admit did feel good, but it wasn't long before I was pestering them to go home. It was the longest I had been away from my sister since she had arrived and I was feeling anxious that she was alone with Peter. It was almost midnight when we got back all slightly tipsy, but not blind drunk, I told the boys I wanted to set a good example for Jem, they had all groaned at me but ultimately agreed. As we approached the house you could hear music being blasted and laughter ringing through out, Jem and Peter were still up and enjoying themselves by the sound of it. We opened the door and piled in eager to see her.

"Jem, we're back?" I called out

"Shit, quick give me your beanie, QUICK before he freaks." I could hear Jem whisper shouting to peter.

"He won't freak you dork, he's not Steve, trust him we talked about this!" peter ushered back to her. We made our way to the kitchen where Jem was laying across the counter and peter standing in front of her.

"Hey big bro, how was the night out?" She chirped at me.

"Fine, Why are you laying on the counter?"

"We were just doing body shots, any of you boys want one before I get up?"

"JEMIMA HANNAH MILLER, WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled at her and she just laughed at me.

"Oh my god Matty I was joking, Your going to wear my full name out at this rate! we're completely sober I promise! You can check your beer stash if you like."

"Oh" I said slightly embarrassed at my over reaction "What have you two been up to then?"

"Nothing, just hanging, we'll go to bed let you guys carry on your party, I put some beers in the fridge for you." And with that she hurriedly pulled peter past us towards the stairs. She was wearing a large beanie pulled tight over her head, with her hair tucked up inside.

"Not going to show me the new hair?" I smirked at her.

"Maybe, tomorrow" she said quietly. The boys stopped them from passing, forming a barricade across the exit with giant smirks on their faces, looking over at me mischievously.

"Oh no you're not going anywhere until we see it" max laughed, sarcastically wagging his finger in Jem's direction.
Jem stood behind peter, but he stepped away towards the boys.

"Uh uh Doodlebug, I'm with the boys on this one!" He giggled at her giving me a wink.

"What you hated each other this morning!" Jem protested

"I think he's starting to grow on me" I slapped peter on the shoulder and he smiled at me. "Now come here my little Jem" All of us started to chase Jem around the house as she squealed and ran away, ducking behind furniture and slipping past us easily with her small frame squeezing into the small gaps. I eventually caught her in a bear hug and whipped the beanie of her head.

"Get off of me" she yelled elbowing me in the ribs before running to hide behind peter. We all laughed until we saw peter's expression had changed to a solum one and he shook his head slightly at us, I looked down at Jem's hand that was wrapped around peters waste and it was trembling underneath Peter's that he had placed over the top.

"Jem we were only playing around" I said in a more quieter voice.

"Lads give me a minute?" Peter said in a quiet but serious tone.

"But..." I started before Ed placed a reassuring hand on my arm lightly, guiding me away. Myself and the boys went into the kitchen but continued to listen in.

"Hey hey hey calm down it's alright." Peter was reassuring Jem "remember what I said, Matty isn't Steve ok."

"What if he doesn't like it"Jem whispered

"Then he doesn't like it, he's not going to do anything ok, besides how could he not like it eh, you look you look smoking hot girl" his words made Jem giggle, it made me squirm at the thought that anyone would regard my little baby sister as 'smoking hot'. "Can I tell them?" He asked her before calling us back in. "Lads it's ok you can come back in" peter called out and we did what we were told. "Steve didn't like her dying her hair, it usually came with consequences, but I've told Em that even if you don't like it, then nothings going to happen, right?" Peter said confidently. Jem stood there still looking nervous.  Her hair was indeed stunning, it was still longish with gentle natural waves and curls, but it had been dyed pink, not a bright pink more of a dusky pink going from light to darker at the tips.

"WOW" is all I could mutter

"Your not mad?" Jem asked cautiously

"Ummmmm no. It's just so so....grown up! You look amazing Jemima" I told her, Max wolf whistled, I slapped him round the back of the head and he just laughed.

"You look beautiful Em...I mean not that you didn't before..I mean..." Tom stumbled over his words and I just raised my eyebrows at him being weird.

"I think you've got competition mate" Milo pointed at my own red hair that was fading.

"Like brother like sister eh, although your sister is pulling it off so much better than you mate" Ed chuckled.

We spent several more hours hanging out, the boys showed peter and Jem several embarrassing photos of various hair styles and colours I had had over the years, and we all laughed and joked about it. Peter showed us some of Jem he had on his phone, she looked good in all of them, although I was sure I could see a hint of a black eye in more than one of them. We played music loudly the boys and I sang along, while peter attempted to get Jem to join in or at least dance along. She looked happy, we looked happy.

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