Into the early hours of the morning

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We reached Felix's hotel room, it was a nice room with a large bed, a sofa and an extravagant looking bathroom.  I stood looking around nervously.

"Hey don't worry the lads have got their own rooms, and they've gone out anyway." Felix said nonchalantly

"What wait the band are here with you?"

"Yeah, I managed to convince them to play a gig over in Sydney in a couple of days, as an excuse to come over here." he chuckled.  I still stood uneasy, "look I'll lock the door, it's just us tonight"

"Tonight?" I asked sceptically, I hadn't planned on staying all night.

He chuckled, "yeah...tonight" he crashed his lips against mine placing his hand in my hair pushing me gently towards the bed.

"Felix wait!" I gasped falling backwards onto the bed.

"What?" He said impatiently

"What is this?"

"What's What?"

"This, all this, I can't do this if your going to just disappear out of my life to go and sleep with randoms and get high, I just can't do it."

"I told you I'm done with that, you know you could always come back with me?"

"You know I can't till I'm eighteen Felix"

"We'll run away then, you don't need your lame ass brother, you've got me.  I won't abandon you for nine years!"

"Felix it's more complicated than that and you know it, besides Matty's alright."

"Yeah but he's not me!  Come on just you and me against the world being bad ass together."

"You mean you, me and your band! I don't think so Felix."

"We'll make it work Em I promise, the lads like you, they won't mind, we're releasing our single and going on tour soon you can come with us, you don't need to go back there, now come here." He sat next to me on the bed, kissing me again softly this time, placing his hand on my thigh slowly moving it up my leg, into my dress and settling on my hip.  Felix had the ability to make me turn to jelly when he wanted to, and he knew it.  I kissed him back, unbuttoning his shirt and running my fingers down his smooth chest, he pulled his arms out of his shirt and threw it to the floor.  He picked me up by my waste and placed me straddled on his lap pushing his hands firmly up my back tugging my dress over my head. He kissed my neck before standing up, my legs wrapped around his waste flopping me on the bed laying directly above me resting his hands either side of me as he kissed his way down my torso.  My phone started to ring and Felix groaned loudly in frustration, laying his forehead on my bare stomach.

"For fuck sake, What does your bloody brother want a front row ticket or something" he said angrily

"Felix ewww shut up" I laughed. "he's checking on me to make sure I'm ok, and probably a little bit to check that we are not...well doing this!" I giggled hiding my face in my hands.

"Well what he doesn't know won't hurt him. you're sixteen now anyway! we don't have to hide anymore Em" Felix wiggled his eyebrows at me, removing my hands from my flushed face.  I silenced my phone and Felix tossed it across the room along with the rest of my clothes and his.  He continued to kiss my bare body, exploring every inch of it with his hands as though he was getting reacquainted with a long lost friend. 

"God I missed you Em,"

Soon nothing else mattered and the outside world disappeared. Felix obviously wanted to make up for lost time, after he had finished he would wait a while then pull me back into him to start all over, we continued repeating our actions over and over into the early hours of the morning, until we were eventually completely exhausted from our exploits. We lay panting next to each other, then Felix scrambled to his feet and went to his bags and pulled out a large bottle of whisky, pouring two huge glasses.

"Felix you promised" I uttered across the room at him still a little out of breath.

"Just one Em, to celebrate." He pouted. "besides you missed my twentieth birthday and I missed your sixteenth so we can call it a birthday drink."

I sighed. "ok but JUST ONE." He cheeresed me then watched me drink the large whisky.

He poured another filling the large glass nearly all the way "Come my little bad ass, down in one." He encouraged placing his finger on the end of the glass tilting it. "You can stay here with me where you belong Em, you and me." When we had both downed a few more he climbed back into the bed next to me and I fell asleep on his naked chest our legs intertwined with each other's.

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