I'll be by your side

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After speaking to peter I asked management to book us into a hotel near the opera house for a weeks time. We were going to stay there for a week, do some interviews, visit a local hospital to do a meet and greet and a small acoustic set at a little venue. It was a one off, so I felt better about doing it, especially after Jem told us again that she really wanted us to, plus management had agreed to let Jem tag along to all the events. They had visited the house for a meeting with me and the boys, at first they were a little annoyed that we wanted to delay things like touring and the next album release, but after explaining the situation with Jem, we didn't go into too much detail but just enough that they understood the seriousness of the situation, they totally got where we were coming from and agreed it was for the best. Especially when I brought Jem in to meet them, her fragile frame, ghostly white complexion and nervous nature was obvious, after that they have been so supportive, and keep asking if there's anything they can do to help me. They also told me that when we did eventually go back on tour that Jem was more than welcome to join us, which was a huge weight off my mind, as there was no way I could see myself travelling the world again without her by my side! They were keeping it open for us to tour next year and said they'd put things in place just in case and we could make a final decision at a later date.

"So they've booked us in to the hotel for a whole week" I was telling them all.

"I can't wait to see you perform properly!" Jem excitedly bounced in her seat. It was so nice to see her excited about something, especially something that was so important to me.

"How about you Em, any more thoughts on performing at the opera house with peter and Tammy?" Milo asked the question we all wanted to know.

"I've got management to book us tickets But I got an extra one for you as well just in case" I said hopefully.

"Hmmm I don't know yet" she shrugged. She had been doing so much better the last few weeks, but I knew things were going to take a lot longer than a couple of weeks, wounds that deep don't heal that quickly, however much I wish they would.

"Ed I need help with that book, would you mind?" She stood up directing the question to Ed, obviously wanting the subject to change.

"Sure kid go get it"

"I'm NOT a kid" Jem said poking her tongue out at Ed before spinning on her heels and leaving to fetch the book. She returned and placed herself next him on the beanbag he was sitting on, as he held the book open, an arm wrapped around her so they could both see. It warmed my heart to see her so comfortable with me and the boys again, I just hoped to god it was going to last longer this time. We left Jem and Ed to read in peace and went down to our basement where we had a music room, Max was already there twiddling his drumsticks round.

"Hey Matty"

"Hey Max, This yours?" I said holding up some paper with what looked like lyrics on them and some score sheets.

"Nope, I think they might be Em's. I've heard her down here a few times late at night or early morning when she can't sleep. Oh and I think her and Peter were down here doing stuff when he visited again last week."

"Oh" I said contemplating how bad it would be if I read them without asking her.

"I don't think you should Matty" Max obviously reading my thoughts easily

"Your right, it's just tempting. You think she's really thinking about singing, you know at the opera house?"

"She's not said anything to me mate, maybe ask Tom?"

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