A song for william

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I spent the next few days one:avoiding max, two:wracking my brain for present ideas for William and for my boys and three:worrying about spending time with Williams family. I didn't want to ask my brother for money to buy gifts so thought maybe I could make something or write a song maybe, I had been messing around in the music room constantly trying to find inspiration and had come up with a few bits and pieces but nothing was finished yet and it was Williams birthday tomorrow. His parents had invited me over for dinner with them and the following day William was having his cousins and a few friends over so he wanted me to stay for that too. Then it would be Christmas Eve the day after, William really wanted me stay over, but I didn't think it would go down well, despite his parents being there and them having a spare room, so I had not asked Matty yet. I sent Peter some clips of the songs I had done so far and was hoping he would get back to me soon with some help, I really didn't want to ask the boys for their help with William's song, especially with the whole max situation.

Max kept trying to get me alone to talk, but I had so far managed to dodge all his attempts. I knew I had feelings for him even if I wasn't sure what they were exactly, but I also had feelings and cared very much for William. I felt so confused and torn in two different directions, both boys had got further past my walls than most but in completely different ways, they were polar opposites, one the goofy hyperactive drummer who made me laugh, the other the laid back easy going posh boy who made me feel calm.  I felt like max and I being together would cause more stress and tension in my life right now, especially if Matty found out, so I was trying my best to bury the feelings and throw everything I had into my relationship with William in the hopes that whatever I had with Max would just somehow disappear. We were all lounging around the living room not doing much watching same lame TV, while the boys talked about tour plans, the tickets went on sale yesterday and sold out in record time, which I was very impressed with. The boys faces were priceless watching me freak out and celebrate on their behalf even though they said it was no big deal and was the norm for them. My phone rang and Williams name and a selfie of the two of us in the rooftop garden popped up on my screen.

"Shush" I hushed the boys "it's William I've haven't told him about me going on tour with you yet so don't shout anything out ok" I warned them, before answering.

"Hey beautiful" Williams cheery voice answered

"Hey William"

"So your coming tomorrow right"

"Yeah sure"

"And your staying for a couple nights? I've got everything set up, did you ask Matty yet?"

"Um no, I haven't asked him yet" I turned the TV up a little more to make sure the boys couldn't hear William, Matty was sitting by my feet and watching me with interest, his arms firmly over my legs pinning me in place on purpose so I couldn't escape to have the conversation in private.

"Well are you going to then? it is tomorrow Jemima" William laughed

"Hang on a second" I told him then looked at Matty "Matty is it ok if I go to Williams tomorrow his dad wants me to join them for his birthday dinner or something" I casually asked.

"I don't see why not" Matty smiled at me.

"Jemima! What about the rest of it?" William whined down the phone.

"Later ok" I giggled at him, making Matty raise his eyebrow at me. "So what do you want me to wear" I asked William

"Me? Well if it was up to me something short and sexy to show off that hot little ass of yours" he laughed "and maybe something even sexier underneath for our sleepover" He cheekily remarked

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