Six favourite boys

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We sat in the garden for a while in silence, as I calmed myself down. Peter knew that silence was best in these situations, he knew me so well it was scary sometimes.  We had grown up together and we knew all of each other's secrets, we were close, at least we were before I moved here, I hoped we still were. It's the longest we'd been away from each other since we were young kids.

"I'm sorry Em. I really am. I shouldn't have gone off at your brother like that but..."

"It's ok Peter. Honestly it's alright."

"So you didn't give him complete disclosure yet huh?"

" this project, what are you up to eh? Should I be worried?"



"Trying to change the topic"

I let out a small laugh "Well you can't blame me for trying" The boys all came out to join us, cautiously. I looked at them hoping they were going to let it go for now. 

"Alright if we join you?" Ed asked.

"Depends, has he calmed down now?" I nodded towards Matty.

"Yes, he's good, aren't you Matty?" Max said in a cautionary tone towards Matty. They sat down on the grass next to us.
Peter shifted closer to me as if to mark his territory with Matty. I gave him a gentle elbow in the side and giggled at him and Matty who was glaring at us. Peter ignored me and pulled me over to sit between his legs.

"You know boys I'm not a possession to fight over! Can't my two favourite boys try to get along...for me?" I tried to break the tension.

"Hey what about us!" Four other voices said in unison, making me laugh.

"You know I have six favourite boys in my life now"

"Jem....can we talk....please, I..." Matty said with a sorry look on his face.

"Matty I'm sorry for what I said, but can we just leave it for now, for me, please, we'll talk later" I pleaded with him to drop the subject.

"So...did you really kick Felix's ass?" Max wiggled his eyebrows at peter, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Yeah, he deserved it." He chuckled, Matty's face also softened at the thought. "I never liked the moron anyway"

"You seen him?" I asked timidly fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

"Yeah, he came back, but he's promo touring with the band now I think. He was shooting his mouth off, but Tammy gave him and those band mates of his such an ear full, you know what she's like when she gets going. shes like a little yappy dog. She told him that he had zero chance of worming his way back in this time, can you believe the cheek of the boy asking Tammy if she could speak to you to try and get you to talk to him!"

"Why What did he say....did he say..." I eagerly asked.

"Em! Don't even think about it! You are not taking him back this time, over my dead body do you hear!"

"I's just..."

"Em, you don't need him ok."

"Fine whatever" I huffed at Peter, I didn't want Felix back but I did miss him still in a strange way, I hated myself for missing him still.

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