School musicals

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Tammy came the next day and I was so pleased to see her and have my two friends back, even if it was just for the day, Tammy and peter had to leave for their work experience at the opera house. I dreaded them leaving, but I had Matty and the boys, I wasn't going to be on my own. Peter promised he would visit and bring Tammy while they were still here.

Tammy wanted to stay at the house and chill, I think like peter she secretly wanted to check the boys were genuinely ok, and I wasn't just saying that all was good over the phone, I think they won her over quickly though. We sat watching cheesy films, introducing the boys to our favourite 'empire records' jumping on the sofa singing along like loonies, which made the boys laugh so hard. It was perfect no stress, no awkward conversation, just a fun day. I was out voted when peter suggested we watch the home videos he had sent for my birthday, I tried to wrestle them off him but it was no use. I sat at the back of the group hiding behind a giant fluffy pillow and cringed at my early school performances, some of mine and peters dance shows and some of us just messing around.

"I don't know why your hiding your good, even if it is mainly musicals!" Max tried to pry the pillow from me.

"It's soooo embarrassing, can't we just switch them off!" I whined in protest.

"No way!" A chorus rang out and I stood up in a huff and stomped out of the room in annoyance, much to everyone's amusement.

"I can always put the music cds in instead, that's got your original stuff on it or the DVD of us performing at shadows!" peter called out from the living room.


"Ok, I'll just put the new stuff you sent on instead" He joked

I folded my arms on the counter placing my head on the countertop groaning loudly in protest.  I felt a hand on my back, and it made me jump up and spin around cautiously.  Tom snapped his hand away quickly apologising.

"Sorry, reflex?! It's fine." I face palmed.

"No I should have thought first." tom said mortified.

"Don't be silly, I need to get used to it again" I smiled at him, we had become close initially, but with all drama we had become more distant, maybe he just felt too awkward.

"Ok, if your sure" he said placing his hand on my arm hesitantly.  I looked at his hand and just nodded at him. "Just wanted to check your okay?" I smiled and nodded again. "Listen I just wanted to say sorry, you know about everything you've been through"

"You don't need to say sorry, you didn't do anything Tom"

"I meant what I said when you first came you know" I shot him a puzzled look "you need anything just come find me, I'm not so good at all this stuff, I never know what to say or do, but really anything I can do just ask ok."

"Thanks Tom"

The rest of the day we spent splashing around in the pool, eating pasta, which I managed to eat a fair bit of. Then it was time for Tammy and peter to go.  We stood at the door, I said goodbye to Tammy and promised I would call her, and she scuttled off into the waiting taxi.  Peter and I stood there quietly as he gave me a giant bear hug that he was reluctant to release me from. He kissed my forehead one last time and said he would visit again soon.  I waved at him as he got in the taxi and pulled away.   Silent tears rolled down my face, a pair of familiar arms wrapped themselves round my waste and turned me around, I buried my head in Matty shirt and just let him hold me.

"You'll be ok Jem, your not on your own, you've got us.  Hey even if you don't sing at this thing how about we all go and see peters show anyway, like a family trip?" His comforting voice made a small smile form on my lips, as I nodded into his chest.

"I'd like that" I mumbled into his chest.

He ushered me back into the house, to join the others. They tried to take my mind off of my friends leaving but I eventually ended up excusing myself saying I needed to catch up on some school work. I sat in the floral from reading some school books quietly to myself. I heard all the boys retire to their own rooms and settle for the night. I couldn't sleep so I lay starring at my ceiling tracing the lines and cracks with my eyes, some noises from outside started to make me feel nervous, I went to lock my door, remembering I didn't have a lock, which raised my anxiety up a level. It was probably just the neighbours coming home drunk, in fact I was sure of it, but still my hands started to shake, I stood chewing at my fingers and knuckles trying to decide what to do, I left my room trembling and tip toeing down the corridor, I found myself opening a door and stepping inside, I went over to the bed and lightly tapped the sleeping boy who lay there.

"What...oh hey Em..everything ok?" Tom stirred in his bed before noting my trembling frame, worried eyes and the fresh teeth marks on the fingers. There was another drunken stumble from the neighbours outside and I hid my head onto his arm, trying to subdue the panic attack threatening to rise up inside of me by taking deep breaths. He bought his other hand over to the back of my head stroking my hair.  "Hey hey hey it's ok Em, it's just the neighbours" I still didn't move, my body frozen with fear. He wriggled his arm out from under me and climbed out of the bed, he lifted me gently onto the bed pulling the duvet over me. "You wanna stay here tonight?" He whispered still stroking my hair which was calming me, I nodded my head not looking at him. "You want me to stay or should I go get Matty?"

"Stay" I said holding his hand in mine linking our fingers together. He crawled under the duvet next to me, pulling them back over us both as he wrapped an arm around me and I snuggled into his side laying my trembling hand on his chest.

"Your safe here Em, I promise" he kissed the top of my head, just like peter does, I could feel myself relax into him and my eyes fell heavy and I closed them sleep coming easily now I was wrapped in his protective warm embrace.

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