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Hi kitties


"Wake up Daisy." I said. And she just turn around with closed eyes.

"Daisy wake up or else you will miss your college and the project on which you had work hard will be spoiled" I said and she still didn't wake up. I sighed.

"Daisy Windsor wake up right now." She again ignored." I will put the ice water on you." I said and she didn't listen to me. I go to the restroom and bring out the ice water and pour on her a bit and she stand up.

"Snow fall had happened?" She asked as soon as she woke up.

"No silly. I had really pour the cold water on you." I said and chuckled and she was irritated.

"You.." She said and started to chase me. Soon dad come into the room.

"What is going on?" He asked us. We stop there only and face him.

"Nothing dad." Daisy said. And he nodded.

"Hazel come downstairs we also have to leave for the office. " He said and I nodded. He went away from the room. 

"Daisy hurry up get ready. You will get late otherwise." I said and she rushed into her washroom and soon come out and wear her dress and we both go downstairs and have breakfast quickly. I take my car keys and drop Daisy to her college and from there I take the road for going office. I reached the office before time. I go straight to my cabin. There was knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and My secretary come inside.

"What happened Tiana?" I asked.

"Ma'am this are the some files which you have sign. And you have a meeting in few minutes and someone had send......" She stopped in the midway.

"Continue." I ordered and she gulped.

"Someone send you flowers miss." She said and put the bouquet in front of me. I look at it for few second

"Throw it away." I ordered and she take them away. I don't want to know who is sending me flowers but if I found him. He won't be able to live on this world for long. I go through the papers and sign the away. In few minutes Tiana come and take the paper and tell me about the meeting. I stand up and take my presentation  and marched towards the conference room. Everyone greeted me. I settle down near dad's chair. Dad haven't arrived yet.

Soon dad also enter in the room and all greeted him. All settle down and the presentation started. First turn was mine and everyone was very impressed with my presentation. Meeting went smoothly. Everything is very good. It was time to pick up Daisy but I wasn't free at all so I sent chauffeur. I know she will be hell as angry but she is sweet she will understand this.

My work was almost finished. When dad called me in his cabin. I quickly left my work and go towards his cabin. I knock on the door.

"Come in." I heard and opened the door.

"Hazel you had arrived . please sit down." He said and I nodded.

"Dad you had call me?" I asked him. And he nodded

"Day after tomorrow we have a meeting with Patrick. We are good friends." He said and I nodded.

"I just haven't called you tell this about but I had got the whereabouts of our rival Nicole Miller." He said. I had heard her name from dad's mouth many time. Whenever he take her name he always feel disgusted but today her was smiling.

"What have you found dad?" I asked him.

"She is married to Steven Collins. It had been already a week of their marriage. She had left her family alone. Their whereabouts still not found. But there is no hurry. We will first destroy that Nicole then will finish everyone." He said in a very evil tone. I was amazed to see him like this.

"You always wanted to know who is Nicole Miller? Then she her." He said and passed me  a photo. The first word come in my mind was beautiful. She was like an Angel. Her dirty blonde hair and Hazel green eyes and very fair skin. She was not less then the Angel.

"Dad is she really Nicole cause she is not less than Angel." I said to him and he laughed.

"You are so innocent. She is not Nicole she is Angela Miller. But is hiding her identity by the name Nicole. She is my enemy and I would like to destroy her. She is the biggest obstacle in my success." He said and I again looked at the photo.  I don't know why but whenever I looked at her. I was feeling that there is a strong relationship with her. I don't know if I am feeling right or wrong but the truth is she is very similar to someone whom I know. Her image is blurry in my mind.

"Dad can I keep this photo?" I asked him.

"Why?" He asked.

"To never forgot that she is your enemy and I will take you revenge on her." I said and he smiled proudly.

"Fine." He said and I come out of the room and called someone.

"Hey volcano." He is my family detective.

"John, I am sending you the photo and the name of the person can you find about her more?" I asked him.

"I will find it. You just send me." He said and hung up. I send him the photo and the name and was waiting for the information to arrive.

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