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Hi kitties


Being in love is so much good and it is even better when you have the best guy in the world. I was reading a book when I come over the phrase.

A happy family who was destroyed after a accident and it created a gloomy environment around it. Then the rest of the family have to suffer more than they deserved.

If you ask me than this story is somewhat familiar. I closed my eyes and suddenly a sunny day with so many decorations in a garden which were looking like a royal ceremony. A girl ran towards another girl who was same as of her. They both were giggling when someone in came front with a rose in his hand he extended the rose to the former and said those three magical words.  But the girl rejected and than the boy was hurt. I wanted to know who that boy was but suddenly there was a sharp pain in my brain which shook me. I opened my eyes and thought what it was. 

This same dream haunts me on many days. I have seen this dream often. I always curious why this dream only comes to me.  It is like that this dream is somewhat relates me but I am unable to relate it. It is like that this dream is pulling me towards someone or a some story which is already hidden from the world and few knows. I googled Ethan Miller. It gave me quite in information about him and I don't know why but his smile is very very familiar. I opened the gallery and looked for Nicole picture. I found it and now I exactly can tell with whom his smiles matches.

They are not much familiar but some features does match but Eros had very similar features like his father. I clicked on Jordan Hemsworth and if you ask me than his picture had made me feel the fatherly love which I was missing.  I saw Mr and Mrs.  Hence picture and let me tell you that they were looking perfect for each other and I got to know that they had a daughter who is Skylar Hemsworth but she died after her best friend 5th birthday party. I don't know from what they have been suffering from when they would have seen their only kid dead body.  Even that thought send chills  in me.

I saw James name too and I clicked over his name and found many things about  him. His age,height, eyes color, literally everything about his personality. I saw his photos with famous actress and you in know what it burned me to the core. I wanted to rip that photo but knowing tjat it in technology I can't do anything. No doubt that James have been by my side and always make me feel important and never leaves the chance to impress me.  I think I know with whom I can spend my whole life with.  I smiled at my decision.

Than suddenly something hit my mind.

Who does leave their elder daughter at home and go out on the tour with younger  daughter?  This were James word. 

It is not like that dad haven't asked me if I would like to go on vacation he everytime asked me but it was always when I was busy with my projects. When my projects ended my father wouldn't let me leave and would say it is not safe for me to go alone. Even if I had gone than it would be for business purposes only. I have to sneak out at night just to enjoy the city.

I don't know why but I think I had started to doubt on my own father only.  But my doubt is right. He had never said that leave those works and be with us.  He would say the work is first and I guess I should ask my dad.  But I think it will hurt him because I would be doubting him.  Maybe he was doing this so that I can be safe. Hmm... But leave it now I am enjoying my vacation and that too with the best person on the world. I opened the app and saw the book which I was reading and started to complete it. Soon there was a knock and I go towards it and opened it and saw the hotel service was on the door and he handed me food and went away.  I looked at the time and saw that it was already dinner time.  I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn't know that it was dinner time.  But I haven't ordered the food than who did? I wanted to ask but that person had already gone. I sat in the chair with my food and found a pink note.  I picked it up.

It is not good to starve yourself love.  Eat you dinner on time ~ James

PS:- I love you

A smile erupted on my face.  I was happy knowing that there is someone who also take care of me and loves me too.

There are only few people who get love and person like James and I know that in their birth James is mine and only mine. I properly kept the note and started to eat my dinner and after it was done.  I freshen up and than went towards my comfy bed and drifted in the thought of my doubt m regarding my dad is right or not but that though didn't last long because James occupied it with his image in my mind. 

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