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Hi kitties


Luna is going to be here in few minutes.From last few days Hazel is trying to contact me but I am always declining it again and again. I want to talk to her but my mind doesn't allow me to do so. 

"James." I heard Luna voice and looked at the door and there she was standing and was smiling. I went towards her and engulfed you in the hug.

"How are you?" I asked her.

"I am fine what about you?"She asked me.

"Devastated." I said and she was confused.

"Why? Hazel is here you should spend your more time over here." She said.

"I am devastated because of her only." I said and my phone rang and it was from Hazel.I declined the call.

"Why are you declining her call?" She asked me.

"I don't want to talk with the person who doesn't care of me." I said and she shook her head.

"Does she wanted to tell you something?"She asked and I looked at her.

"Yeah,but I haven't heard her.She must be having some excuse."I said.

"You should have listen to her." She said and I looked at her.

"I don't want to talk about her." I said and she shook her head.

"If you didn't hear me today then you will be hurting yourself along with her." She said and I looked at her.

"What you want to tell me." I said and she looked at me.

"Let's get seated first." She said and I nodded and we both sat on the bed.

"Now tell me what is it."I said and she  sighed.

"First of all you have done mistake by no listening to her and above all calling her reason as excuse. I had told her that I will call her when you will wake. She was already very tried because she was there till midnight and her family was also calling her and she has to leave without any other choice. When you wake she called me contentiously but because my phone was on the silent  didn't heard that and when she called me that time I was driving back home so I couldn't talk with her more. Next day also she had called me but me being in the meeting i couldn't received. You think that she doesn't care about you. You are wrong she cares a lot about you. I had saw her how she had tried to hide her tears and try to be strong for you. If she couldn't come then there must be a reason." She said and I sighed. I ran my hand through my finger feeling frustrated. I had messed up everything. I think she was trying to tell me why she couldn't come to me and see me.

"I had messed up everything." I said and she sighed and patted on my shoulder. I looked at her.

"Go and meet her before it is too late." She said and I nodded.

"I will make everything right between us." I said and she nodded with a smile. I get up and went downstairs. My phone started to ring. It was from Nixon. I picked it up.

"What happened Nixon?" I asked him.

"Sir a man had taken Ms. Windsor to somewhere asking for the help. The man isn't giving me a good vibe." He said.

"You keep following her. I am coming." I said and hung up. He send me where he was. I quickly take my car and drove towards the location where Nixon was present. The place was half an hour away from where I was. I picked up my call and dialed Hazel number. Her phone was switched off.

"Dammit." I said and tried Nixon number. His number was also switched off. My heart was pounding so much fast. I speed up the car and drove to the place. I reached there and found that narrow paths were present. I left my car and entered the path. My mind wasn't on the right side. I picked up my call and called cops and aware them about my location. I tried to call both of them but again there phone was switched off. I tried to hide myself and move forward. In the view I saw a person laying on the floor. I went towards him and saw that it was Nixon and he was unconscious.

"Nixon" I called out but there was no response. I tried to make him wake up but everything was in vain. I again tried to make him wake up and at last he wake up,

"Nixon." I said and he opened his eyes a little.

"Mr. Patrick." He said.

"Nixon where is Hazel?" I asked him.

"Gro...ver men ha.....d tak...en her away. is dan..ger." He said and my eyes went. Were they talking about Hazel. Indeed Hazel was precious to me but I didn't know that they know that I love her and they will talk about her.

"Mr. her." He said and I nodded and left him there and moved further and was searching for Hazel. I couldn't even shout her name because they will get alert and the possibility is that they can kill her.

"Just leave me alone." I heard Hazel voice and I followed it. I was praying that they doesn't do anything to her. I heard a groan and I quickly fasten up my speed and when I reached there I saw the terrified scene. The person was about to stab her. I ran towards him and before he could stab her. I made him fall and punched him. There were not one but total 8 people. I looked backed and saw two were holding her arms and it boiled my anger. I also fight with them an defeated them. I looked over Hazel who wasn't in good condition. I grabbed her in my arms.

"Hazel." I said softly and she looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"James." She said and smiled more. "I am sorry that I couldn't come and meet you. My father was with me for 24/7 for two days. I love you a lot to lose you. I can't live without you." She said.

"Shh....we will talk about this later." I said and she nodded. I was hugging her close to my heart. She is alive and is with me. I can't afford to lose her

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