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Hi kitties


I still haven't got any news from Luna. I had come back from the hospital as my father has been calling a lot and was asking for my arrival immediately. I have to come back at midnight though I didn't wanted to leave his side.

I have new project in my hand but my mind it's not living his side. I don't know how is doing nor Luna had called me and updated me.  I am hell worried about him.  I looked on the table where the project was present and is to be done in three months but I don't think that I will do it even a inch if I won't see him.  I want to see him. But Luna had said that when he will wake up she will call me. I should call her. Maybe it had slipped out of her mind. 

I picked up my call and dialled her number. It was ringing but no one was picking up the call.  I had tried 10 times but I was failed.  My mind is not at all helping me at all.  Someone came inside and I didn't looked up.  I don't want anyone right now.  I just want to know if he is alright or not. 

"You know your father is planning something big this time." I heard a voice and I looked up and found my PA.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I had heard that he was saying to destroy someone's house. Though I haven't heard the person name but he said that he want someone to have fear of him." She said and I looked at her weirdly and only name crossed my mind.    Angela Nicole Miller. But I think this decision is worst.  But whose house he must be talking about. I don't think that he will talk about destroying Collins house but her own home.  It could be possible.

"Sera please don't tell this to anyone. Not even my father should know that you heard it and informed me." I said and she nodded. 

"No problem. It is safe with me." She said and I nodded.  I have to confirm this fast. I know my father had to take the revenge but by destroying the house is too much I think.  I closed my eyes but immediately opened it as of the fear that I must dream that dream of the girl and it will again give me pain.  Maybe I should consult a psychiatrist. Maybe he can help me.

"Do you know any psychiatrist?" I asked and she looked at me weirdly.

"What had happened to you that you need him?" She asked me.

"Nothing had happen to me.  I just have some weird dreams lately so I thought that I must consult one." I said and she was confused.

"Sometime we do see weird dream what is wrong in that? " She asked me. I sighed. She was annoying me till the end.

"When the dreams make connections we should consult the doctor.  I think it was mistake that I asked you. I will find him myself alone." I said and she shook her head.

"No, my brother is psychiatrist. Maybe he can help you." She said and I nodded.

"Please do contact him and take the appointment of next week. " I said and she nodded.

"You don't have clear schedule in this week?' She asked me.

"No, you are my PA you know more than me about my schedule. I have to go USA for three days. On Wednesday I would be going ." I said and she nodded.

"But no one had told me about this schedule. Are you really going to USA?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe I forget to inform you and of course I am going USA. I have to deal with something and on Saturday I would return." I said and she nodded.

"Do I have to accompany you?" She asked me and I shook my head.

"There is nothing much so you can relax. You can take the leave for three days." I said and she squealed.

"That is great." She said and ran out from the room. I took my phone and still not any response. I sighed.  I took my work and started to work. I think it can help me divert my mind for sometime.

It was already evening when I have to leave the work. I took the phone and dialed Luna number and after few rings she picked.

"Hello..." She cut me off.

"Right now please don't come to the hospital. I will call you later." She said and hung up and I looked at the phone weirdly. What she was saying exactly. I shouldn't come to the hospital. She didn't even informed me if James had awake or not. Maybe there is something that she doesn't want to tell me but what it could be? I should go to the hospital. I get up and went downstairs and found my father there waiting for me.

"Where were you deciding to go?" He asked me .

"To home only." I lied and he nodded.

"Come we will go together." He said. I couldn't say no to him.

"But dad my car?" I asked her.

"we are going in you car only. My car had gone for the service." He said and I nodded and we entered into the car. I don't know why but I was nervous.

"Hmm....Do you know how Mr. Patrick got into the accident?" He asked me and I looked at him shocked.

"I don't know dad. Her sister didn't told me anything." I said and he nodded.

"i think someone had tried to kill him." He said and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What are you saying dad?" I asked him.

"My experience is saying that ." He said and that thought had kept me confused about what my father had said. Someone had tried to kill him but who could do that?

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