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Hi kitties


Last day I had saw Hazel in the restaurant and I was thinking that I was hallucinating but the truth was that she was really here. She was wearing formal clothes, I assume that she was having the meeting. I sighed. She is getting on my nerves now.

"Let's have lunch outside again." I heard Aileen. I don't know what is her problem. Why is she all clingy on me only?

"I don't have the mood to go out." I said and she sighed. My phone ring up. It was from the person whom I had made in charge of informing the whereabouts of Hazel.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"Sir Ms. Windsor had come to meet someone in the restaurant." He said.

"Who?" I asked him.

"A guy." He said.

"I am coming in few minutes you stay there only." I said and hung up and drove to the restaurant where Hazel was present. I reached the place and saw Hazel with guy. i wasn't able to hear anything as I was quite far away from her. She stand up and started to go towards the exit. I also come outside and followed her. She was busy thinking something.

"You had moved on so much fast without the break up." I said in a cold voice and she looked at me with shock on her face.

"James." She said slowly.

"Who was that guy?" I asked her and she looked away.

"It is none of your business." She said without looking in my eyes.

"Yeah of course it is not my business. In fact it is really not my damn business." I said and she looked at me.

"How are you?" She asked me.

"It is not your business. You haven't even come to see me one time after I woke up. I think I had given my heart to a wrong person." I said and her eyes went wide.

"I had tried to...." She was saying but I cut her off.

"I don't want to here any rubbish thing from your mouth. You have time for doing your business but you don't have time to meet me." I spatted at her and she flinched a little.

"But listen to me." She said and I shook my head.

"i don't want to listen to you. Now let's end everything over here only" I said and her eyes were blank

"James baby." I heard Aileen voice and I rolled my eyes. I looked at Hazel who was looking at my behind. I felt Aileen beside me and locked her hand with mine.

"Who is she?" She asked.

"I don't think that it is important that I got introduced. I am leaving." Hazel said and go away from there without any second thinking. I glared at Aileen.

"Have I called you that you came upon?" I asked her

"I love you and I come to help you. That girl was giving me bad vibe." She said and I freed my hand from her.

"You don't have to interfere in my business." i said and walked away from there. I looked at Nixon.

"You look over her." I said and he nodded and went away. I sat in my car and drove to my home and found dad and mom in the living room. They were tensed about something.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"We had got that it wasn't an accident but a plan to murder you." My dad said and I shook my head. I knew that it was a planned accident.

"Who could do that?" I asked him. Though I know the answer but i want to confirm it.

"It is Mr. Grover. He had threaten that he will take away someone precious from you. I don't know whom he was talking about maybe Aileen." Dad said.

"I don't think so." I said.

"I think as she always with you then they can think that you are her lover so yeah they could harm her." He said and I sighed. Could be possible.

"Increase her security." My mom said and dad nodded.

"Be aware of him. Take security with him. I think it is time for him to give him his medicine." He said and I nodded.

"You go and take the rest." Dad said and I nodded. My phone ring up and it was from Nixon.

"What happened Nixon?"I asked him.

"Sir nothing but Ms. is trying to go somewhere away from the city." He said.

"Keep me updated with her location." I said and hung up. Even though I had said that we need to end everything over here but I know that I won't be able to do that. I will die without her. I want her and want to be with her. But I think she doesn't wanted to be in a relationship and that is why I decided and taken this hardest decision in which I know that I will be heartbroken.

I don't know why she do that and maybe I don't know what she will say. Maybe she will say something which I won't like that. This all thoughts are making my head to pound hard. Maybe I had done worst but it was good for both of us

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