end of everything

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Hi kitties


So today my sister is finally successful in separating the couple and you know what I am feeling worst. I am cursing myself that I am doing this. I think I have done worst because even though I knew that this all was wrong then also I was keep standing and done nothing. After all this sin I don't think that I had made any place in heaven but got a whole territory of hell. Sometime I feel I should give up everything and went somewhere peaceful. I don't want to face anyone literally anyone. Not even James but at the same time I don't want to be left alone.

I averted my eyes on mirror and I saw myself. Should I deserve this even? I was wearing the white dress but even this dress was beautiful I didn't felt good on myself. I was wearing fighting clothes under this beautiful dress. I know that today a war will definitely will occur.

"Hazel are you ready?" I heard Sera voice and I looked at her and shook my head

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"Hazel are you ready?" I heard Sera voice and I looked at her and shook my head.

"I am not. I am feeling very very weird." I said and sat on the bed clutching over my head.

"You have been stressed so much lately." She said and I don't know what should I say. Just because of the stress I have sleepless night and I don't think it is just stress but the haunted dream that almost kept me awake. I just want to have a peaceful sleep.

"I don't have words to say." I said and she shook her head and sat beside me.

"Why don't you talk with your sister?" She asked me and I looked at her with dull eyes.

"Don't you think I haven't tried that. Last week only I have tried to talk with her but she was acting like a spoiled girl and a stubborn one too. For a moment I thought that she is not my sister." I said.

"Well you know I also feel sometime that you are not a Windsor. you have a completely opposite other two personality. And that is you father and sister. Sometime I don't know how come such a good person come and stuck with them." She said and I looked at her and then I looked away and then I sighed.

"I sometime also feel that I am not the member." I said and she didn't say something. I looked at the door and saw the room where that day dad  and Amy was talking. That day dead was saying that I would be dead soon. I looked away from that room immediately. I don't want to think about that day as well. I know that dad is caring about me so that he could get benefit from me.

"Want to talk with James?" She asked me and I shook my head. He haven't talked with me from last week. One week ago I had saw Hemsworth couple. I don't know what I felt at that time but I wanted to ran towards them and  talk with them but at the same time I wasn't feeling good and ran to park and at that moment in front of my eyes and that time my brain was also paining like hell and I end up passing out. Though there wasn't any serious matter and James also said few words and then left. I don't know what had happened with him.

Sera touched my forehead suddenly and I looked at her weirdly.

"You are again hot?" She said and I sighed.

"I don't have fever." I said and she shook her head.

"I know when you get fever when you cry a lot." She said and I bit my lips. Indeed this is a true fact. I had cried a lot last night because at that time I felt that everything is going to be end soon which includes my life too.

"It is not even serious." I said and she sighed.

"Why are you stubborn?" She asked me.

"Because I was stubborn." i said and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." I said and she didn't care about that but again rolled her eyes.

"If you like than we can go to Albert." She said and i shook my head.

"I don't want to go. Today my father wants me and I have to help him." I said and she smiled a little.

"Even after what you have suffered and that too you are suffered by your father still you want to help him?" She asked me.

"After all he had taken care of me from many years. I can't be a selfish person when I have the chance to pay of my father favor and it doesn't matter if I am found dead after few days." i said and she was shocked to hear that.

"De-de-dead." She said.

"Forget what I have said. It was just a joke. I am going and will check on Daisy." I said and walked out and went inside Daisy's room. She was getting ready. She was looking like a princess in that gown but at the same time I feeling guilty. I went towards Daisy and looked at her.

"Daisy I would suggest that you think again and take the decision." I said and her facial expression changed.

"Are you really my sister or not?" She asked me and I sighed. I knew that I would have to hear that.

"I am warning you that today a war will be created just because of your wrong decision." I said and handed her her the bouquet. It is quite heavy. I don't want to even talk with her. I know that today will be the end of everything but I don't know what will happen and what will not. I am just mentally preparing myself that everything which goes will be right only

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