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Hi kitties


As I had expected. That today everything has ended and many secrets too revealed. I am Skylar Hemsworth. Skylar Hemsworth. Those dreams were reflecting my past that I am having in front of me. I looked of the team who was arresting my father and Millers and everyone had got away to the hospital in the hope that Mr. Miller can be saved. I didn't know that many things have happened behind my back too. I looked at my side and saw Amy. She was having the terrified face and she was also in rush. I could think that she was worrying about Mr. Miller.

"Hazel." I heard a voice and looked at my back and found Sera who was giving me pity eyes and I couldn't say anything but I gulped down my tears. She came towards me.

"I knew that you are not a Windsor and today it is proved as well. That you are not. You should be happy but you are looking distraught." She said and I let the weapon go off from my hand.

"How could I not look distraught? When many things have been done behind my back. My real identity wasn't mine. My body wasn't mine neither my brain. I had always been on the dark side and always had supported bad. Even though I knew that everything was wrong than also I had kept quiet and didn't said anything and I had also did what I was told. Am I less than what my fake father did?  I don't think so. I am equally guilty like my father." I said and tears started to fall down.

"Just stop your crying. You will make your health worse than it is was." She said and touched my forehead.

"See you had already done that." She said and I sighed

"Just leave me alone for a while." I said and she shook her head.

"You think I will leave you alone. When you had helped me in many situations and you are asking me to leave you all alone." She said.

"I just don't want to face anyone right now." I said.

"You should go and see a doctor." She said and I shook my head.

"I have one more thing to do before I go and see the doctor." I said and started to walk away.

"I will come with you." She said.

"You don't have to come with me." I said.

"You know everyone had gone now and I think they don't have good impression of you on them." She said.

"I don't care about them." I said and started to walk away.

"Why are you so much stubborn?" She asked me and I just gave her smirk.

"Because I was born to be one." I said and she shook her head with a smile.

"I could see the same Hazel who was a year ago." She said and I smiled a little.

"I think I am no more Hazel Windsor." I said and she nodded with the smile.

"Now you are Skylar Hemsworth." She said and I shook my head.

"Now I will make my new identity." I said and she nodded.

"I must be going now. Come on will leave you on the way." I said.

"A while ago you were all sad and now you are all positive." She said and I sighed.

"Right now I don't want to think about that. I want to meet someone." I said and she looked at me with confused eyes.

"With whom?" She asked.

"That is not important. I will come back in few minutes." i said and come inside the house and changed my clothes in casual and come out and saw Sera sitting on sofa.

"Won't you meet your parents and James?" She asked me.

"I would but right now my mind is not so much stable. I want some time to think about that and process what I am." I said and she nodded.

"I hope you get well soon." She said and I smiled.

"Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I had told you to meet someone." i said.

"Who is that person?" I heard a voice and looked around and saw James there.

"Your lover is here. I think I should leave now." Sera said and started to go away and I glared at her but she gave a sweet smile and went away. I sighed.

"So where were you going?" He asked me but I didn't looked at him.

"It is none of your business." I said and looked away and started to go away. But he grabbed me wrist and pulled me towards him and I was startled a bit.

"What....How?" I was confused on what should I say but before I could say something he captured my lips. I was shocked at first because it had been one week when I have been missing him like hell but he didn't even bothered to talk with me. When I hit the reality I started to push him away but he had gripped his hand around my waist. He left me after few minutes.

"You don't have any right to do that. When I wanted you most you were somewhere else." I said and crossed my arms over my chest and I heard him chuckling. I glared at him.

"I know when you needed me the most I wasn't their for you. Because for  a good period of time I have accept the truth that you are my enemy's daughter but now I am very happy that you are not his daughter." He said and I sighed.

"It doesn't matter any way because I had also done the crime and helped him in every way so I am not less than a criminal. I am wondering why they didn't arrested me as well." I said and looked upwards and I felt being hugged from behind.

"You know you did what you were told. You didn't do what you wanted so you are not guilty." He said.

"Easy to say but hard to forget. This thing won't let me go easily." I said.

"It will go. Why bother to take yourself as guilty?" He asked.

"Because I am. I have to meet someone now move." i said and started to go away. Finally I could live a new life but will it be easy for me or harder than I could ever imagine.

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