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Hi kitties


"Let's drink something." I said to James who was holding my arms like I will vanish somewhere.  But whatever it feels,  for me it is heaven.

"As you wish Madam." He said and I chuckled.

"I think I have to take years to know how I got you." I said and he chuckled. He came in front of me and looked in my eyes.

"Of course, you have the time of forever to think about how lucky you are after you got me." He said and was leaning forward when I duck down and came behind him and he looked at me with a irritated face and I laughed looking at him.

"I just have created a masterpiece and that is your expression." I said and I laughed once again.

"Run Hazel run or otherwise if I got you then I won't let you go." He said.

"Sure captain." I said and ran away from there while I was giggling. I saw at my back and saw James coming in my way.  I fasten up my speed. But after few minutes he got me.

"You are damn fast." He said and I chuckled.

"This is the result of my training for years." I said and showed him my muscles on which he laughed and I joined him

"You wanted to drink something what do you want to drink?" He asked.

"Hot chocolate can work." I said and he nodded.

"Let's go and have it.  You have to go home as well." He said and I nodded.

"Though I want that I could spend the whole night with you and that too everyday but this always get broken when the reality hits me." I said and he chuckled.

"Why to worry now?  Just few months more and we will be together for forever."He said and I nodded with a smile.  I hugged him and he hugged me.

"You know that this is the favorite place of mine." I said.

"I know that and I also love to hold you like this." He said and I smiled. This is the best place for me where I feel so much safe than any other place in the world.

"What about your hot chocolate?" He asked and I chuckled.

"That is still on." I said and we went towards the cafe when we stopped. At first I was confused why we stopped and I looked at James who was looking somewhere and I followed his gaze to only find a man who was in business suit.

"Who is he?" I asked him.

"He is Harry Stone. Famous billionaire of USA. He is our business associate as well. but I think his hometown is here." He said and I nodded.

"Just like you." I said and he looked at me.

"Yeah just like me." He said.

"Let's go and have the hot chocolate." I said and he nodded and we entered into the cafe and ordered the hot chocolate.

"Who is currently working in place of you?"  I asked him.

"Avis." He said.

"Who is he?" I asked him

"He is my cousin brother. " He said and I nodded.

"I wish that you get well soon so that we can have more moments together." I said and he smiled.

"It will be soon true." He said and I nodded with a smile.

"By the way, you are taking rest properly and taking the medicine on time?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"I am doing all the things madam. I just want you beside me and that is all." He said and I grinned.

"You will find me beside you every time you need me." I said and grabbed his hand and I kept stare into his eyes.

"I don't know why but I can never take my eyes off from you." He said and I blushed a little but I cover it up quickly.

"I know that I am beautiful and that is why your eyes keep stuck on me only." I said and he chuckled.

"No doubt that you are beautiful and also mine." He said.

"I am all yours." I said and that is the time when our hot chocolate arrived.

"When can I meet your parents?" I asked him and he choked on his drink.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded. He kept the cup on the table and looked at me.

"I think by next month as they are going to come back here permanently. I also want to be over here for forever." He said and I smiled.

"I also want that and I am looking forward to meet your parents. I just hope that they will like me." I said and he smiled.

"They will definitely like you. There is no reason for anyone to dislike you." He said and I nodded. I am quite confident and excited to meet his parents. I hope they will like me. I will talk with my father after all the settlements are done but the settlement is to destroy the Millers or should I say that finishing the Millers. I sometime thinks if I am doing right because  not only the people lives will go but also an innocent soul is going to have his departure. Isn't it will be painful to see the innocent person being there lifeless. Even that thought makes me feel down.

"What happened to you? You are not drinking you hot chocolate." He said and I shook my head.

"Nothing had happened to me. I was just thinking about meeting your parents. How excited it would be." I said and he smiled.

"You are already excited to meet them. I am glad to know that." He said and we completed the hot chocolate.

"Now it is my time to go house." I said and he nodded.

"Come on. I will drop you off." He said and I nodded. We settle down in the car and he drove away to my house. The car ride was silent and I think it was better because my mind and my heart was already disturbed by the killing thing.

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