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Hi kitties


It is already 10 minutes when we had lunch. Today me and James had visited many places and tried many things which were delicious. Today whenever James touched me. My heart started to race. I was feeling weird. I don't know what should I name it but whatever the feeling it I was liking it. My mind was full of James and James only. The way he speak, the way he smiles, the way he laughs, the way his small movements are. Today my most of the attention was on him. He had said that he will sent the picture to me soon.

I was on Instagram. I was going through it. I stopped over his post. His post about he being in Paris and the way he smiles. I carefully saw the picture in which I was present but at a distance and was looking at the water. When he took this picture? I didn't realise that I was smiling ear to ear.

I click over his ID and scroll down add found three to four post of today's day. He was having 2M followers. While I hardly hit the 1M. I was like a crazy stalker who is stalking her crush. Her crush. Sounds amazing. But wait am I crushing over James Patrick. My eyes went wide. I am fucking crushing over James Patrick. The same person whom I names Mr. Hell annoying. I am crushing over him

"No no no. This is not possible." I said and shake the thoughts of. But I was really thinking about him only. He had captured my mind lately.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. I look at the ID and found that it was from Daisy. I smiled and quickly picked up.

"Hey Sis." She said cheerful. I chuckled.

"Hey Daisy. How are you?" I asked.

"I am fine and what about you?" She asked me

"I am also fine." I said.

"I am already missing you. You are lucky that you got a person who is gifting you a trip to Paris." She said.

"He is not boyfriend like you think. He just provided me with one week holiday." I said and she chuckled.

"I am also waiting for my prince charming to come and take me away with him." She said dreamily. Unlike me she does have interest in boys and she had at least dated five boys and and with all she had break up since her only one reason I am not finding that thing which I want in my prince charming. 

"Maybe you find him very soon." I said in a soft voice but somewhere I found my own voice as foreigner.

"I will talk to you later. I have some work to finish." She said.

"No problem." I said and she hung up and after that fall gone in front of me James photos came upon. I guess I haven't yet shut the app off. I blushed a little and switch off the app. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 10 pm. But my sleep was far far away from me. I don't wanted to sleep but wanted to be in awake to remember all the memories which I had created today with James. His name also make me feel weird.

I get up and freshen up again. I picked up my tablet and open kindle and started to read a book. I wanted to read something different today other than those detective or action novel or mystery novel. I wanted to read something new. I clicked over the search box and started to think about some books name. I found a book and that was 'It ends with us.' 

I clicked over it and started to read it. If it was some other day you told me to read this romance novel than I would laugh and shove this idea inside you but look at me now I have just searched a romance novel and also started to read it. I wanted to laugh ta my change so bad, but I know that this changes are brought by that person only who was a annoying as hell a few weeks ago.

I hate to admit but I am crushing over him. I like him but I am afraid that soon this liking will be converted into love.  And I am still insecure in the term love. I don't want to get into love things. I closed my eyes and those grey eyes were the first thing which come inside my mind. I quickly opened it and went towards the balcony and looked at my side where James balcony was present. Our room is close. I looked up at the sky and saw the beautiful sight. In the sky full moon was present and around it stars are present. I looked down from the sky and my eyes were in awe when I saw the city.  It was lighting up with the lights only and at the far distance there was Eiffel Tower. It was looking so small as well as beautiful.

Suddenly slow breeze was blowing which wasn't doing much but was brighten my mood and I didn't realise that I was smiling with my surrounding.

"What are you doing over here?" I heard a masculine voice. I know whose voice it was and I turned my side to see James who was looking at me only. My heart get the speed.

"Uh..... I wasn't feeling like to sleep. So I come outside.  And you also are up. Why?" I asked him. He looked at the sky.

"Same reason." He said and continue to stare at the sky. I looked up and my eyes sparkled again. How can I ever forget this thing.  I sometime wonder those people are so lucky to have this view on daily basis.

"Beautiful." James said and I looked at him and he was still looking at the sky. I guess I am over thinking that he had complimented me but his compliment towards the nature is indeed correct. I can say how much it feel peace and calm when you are around such a beautiful nature.

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