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Hi kitties


I was feeling good after resting whole weekend and today again I have many work and I have to go office. I quickly got freshen up and went towards Daisy room but found that she had already left for her University. She have been behaving weirdly from past few days. I think I have to know what is going on with her. I picked up my phone and called my another trusted person Claude. He will help me. And for your kind information both Carmen and Claude are twin brothers. Well they are my secret agents and no one knows about them. I dialed his number and he picked it up after few rings.

"Hello Ms. Windsor." He said.

"I have a work for you." I said.

"I will do anything. You just have to ask." He said and I smiled.

"I want you to keep your eyes on Daisy and tell me her today routine." I said.

"It will be done ma'am." He said and I hung up.

"Where is Daisy?" I heard my dad voice.

"She had already gone to the University." I said and he nodded.

"She had been acting weird lately." He said. I nodded. Dad too had noticed that.

"I think I have to talk with her." He said.

"Dad, I think we should leave it on her only. I think when time will be right she will tell us this on her own." I said and he thought for a while.

"Hmm....that could be done." He said and I nodded.

"Are you leaving for the office?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I just was checking on Daisy and after that I was going to office only." I said and he nodded.

"Hmm...you go I might come office in half day. I have some works to be done before I leave for the office." He said and I nodded. I went to my room and grabbed my purse and walked out from the house and sat in the car and drove away . I forget to have breakfast. Shit. I come across a cafe and went inside and order a coffee and sandwich for myself.

"It is good to see you." I heard a familiar voice and turned around and saw Tony. He had been behind me for so many years but I haven't give shit to him. I don't have feelings for him but he was like a chew gun which was very hard to get detached to.

"Hi how are you?" I asked him and he gave me a expressionless face. I think he didn't like me greet.

"So I found that you got a boyfriend." He said and I was shocked. How does he know that.

"Ye...yeah." I said and he sat in front of me. He wasn't giving me good vibe.

"You had become more beautiful over the months." He said and I was looking everywhere but on him. I don't know how should I handle this situation. He always make me awkward.

"Thanks for that." I said with a smile

"I don't know what you have seen in that person that you didn't find in me. Why don't you give me a chance?" He said.

"Because I don't feel anything for you and I love James. You couldn't move my heat like he easily did that and that is why you couldn't get the chance and you should move on form me and you should find someone else." I said and he he looked at me with expressionless face again.

"I don't mind if you are in love with him or not. You will be mine and only mine." He said and started to drag me off from my chair and I tried to get rid of his grip. I tried every possible way by which he could leave me but none of them worked on him. I stepped on his foot when he wasn't looking. Hr groaned in pain but didn't left my hand. I tried to find my phone but I then remembered that it was in my purse and it is inside the cafe. James please come and save me. I kept praying that in my mind.

"You little lady." He said and was about to slap me and I closed my eyes but I felt nothing.

"How dare you?" I heard my favorite voice and I opened my eyes and saw that James was over here and I smiled.

"Who are you?" He asked James. And James was glaring at him only. He looked over my hand which was gripped in his hand. He attacked his hand and my hand was free now and I looked at my hand which was having the faded marks of his grip. He was holding my hand pretty hard.

"I am her husband to be and how dare you hold her?' He said and went towards him and grabbed him by his collar.

"So you are her lover. Do one thing I will give you whatever sum of amount you want and give her to me." He said and I was shocked that he could do such thing and I think it made James very much furious that he punched that guy.

"You know what you are saying? She is a human not an object and above all I love. Because some guys like you only girls are treated like object. What you will give me amount. I can give you amount but instead of taking of Hazel. I would like that you get some respect towards women." James said and punched him.

"James it is enough." I said and started to push him away and he stopped and stand up and faced his back where he couldn't see his face.

"Take him away." He spatted and soon the bodyguards came and they took him away. I kept looking the way through which the guards have taken him away. I couldn't think that he would even say that words. But what we can expect from a psycho lover. I sighed. I felt that someone pulled me to his chest. I smiled.

"As long I am alive no harm will come to you. I will be there to protect you." He said and I smiled when said those words.

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