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Hi kitties


"I am running late." I said to myself and hurriedly set my table. I had totally forgot about that today is the meeting. My desk was set but it was still looking like it was messy. I quickly take the file and hurriedly went away. The hallway was quite silent and all I could heard were my click on my heels. I just prefer wearing sneakers over these damn heels.

Suddenly I bumped into someone. My papers fly in the air and come down quickly. Has there flight got crashed? What a stupid I am. I quickly picked up the paper.

"Can't you see where you are walking?" I said while I was assembling the paper.

"Is this a way to greet your guest Ms?" I heard a male voice. It was quite husky. My papers were arranged and I looked up. When I looked up I was meet by chest and when I take my eyes. I saw a grey eyed person. He was freaking so much tall.

"Sorry. This is not the way but I would also suggest that please walk carefully anyone can trip and can get hurt." I said and go towards the conference room without waiting for his next words.

"Damn you girl. Do you even know who is he?" Jeanne asked me and I looked at her confused.

"What he will be asked do business man. Of course." I said

"Yes he is a business man but he is the Tycoon of America. James Patrick." She said and I was stopped in my tracks.

"What is his name?" I asked.

"You didn't heard it. His name is James Patrick." She repeated.

"James Patrick." I mumbled. This name is somehow familiar. But I don't know how do I know this name.

"Has he come before?" I asked her.

"No, this is the first time of him to come back England after 18 years." She said and I looked at her.

"After 18 years?" I asked and she nodded.

"You had made me busy in your talks see it is almost the time for meeting to start." She said and that's when I remember that I have a meeting to attend. Shit.

"Let's go." I said and we literally ran to the conference room. We entered the room and found that almost everyone was present there only. I was feeling ashamed for getting late at the conference room and that too first time.

I greeted everyone and sat on my seat. Dad was having why are you late look. But I replied I will tell you later and he nodded. Soon again the door opened and that person come inside. Because if whom I was late today. What was his name? Yeah, James Patrick. I was checking him out. He was excessively tall and had a muscle for whom any girl would die but not me. His face is just like a real gentleman. Sharp jaw, great lips and great grey eyes which are almost shiney silver. He looked at me and smirked and I looked away. I am already annoyed by his smirking. I didn't even dare to look at him.

"Good morning ladies and Gentlemen." He said and I still didn't look at him. I really don't want to look at him. But I have to see him as he is the one who is going to start the presentation and next I would be the one. This is hell annoying.

"So here the over view of my idea. Please look over here." James said and I have to say one thing. His presentation style is very good. I mean the flow and confidence all this thing are showing by the way of speaking.  I looked at him and the way he is explaining the things are way to much better. That I didn't realise that his presentation was finished. I was like a dumb or I am having a very bad day. He was looking at me with a smirk and I just roll my eyes.

I stand up and I looked at everyone. My dad was having a proud smile on him and I don't want that smile to go away. I take a deep breath and started my presentation. I was maintaining everything properly. Even the questions from them and annoying questions were asked by James Patrick. It really irritated me. I wanted to punch him. But I control myself. I heard appaluse for myself and I was really glad about it.

"Well done." My dad whispered me.

"Thanks." I said and he nodded. Then presentation continued and after that we sign the contract. Everything was going smoothly. We all handshake and bid our goodbye.

"Hazel. Wait a minute." Dad said and I looked at him.

"Yes?" I asked him and he smiled.

"For few months he is here so, we have to take care of him. He is our guest as well as investors of our company." He said and I nodded. I have to handle this annoying tall man. I scoffed.

"Well isn't the same lady who had bumped into me." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I am not that lady. Go find who had bumped into you." I said and take my files and was ready to leave when he make me turn and face him.

"I don't like this when someone disrespect me." He said coldly and his Index finger was caressing my cheek.

"Then get the habit of it.  Cause Hazel Windsor is not going to speak to you like a normal person." I said.

"Hazel Windsor. You may have shown this anger show to somebody but in front of me it nothing but an attitude. And I promise this attitude of yours will go away soon" He said and I looked at him and smirked.

"Is this a challenge?" I asked. And he just smirk which I am now finding annoying. Cause I am already irritated and above that his annoying stupid smrik.

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