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Hi kitties


I come out from the building and went towards my car. I sighed when i sat inside the car. My mind is totally blank. From last three days I am having sleepless night. I wanted to sleep but every time I close my eyes those dreams start to occur and always make me open my eyes. I had just met Albert and he said that maybe James is someone who is from my dream. I had heard his name in my dream but I never think about that. Could it be possible that he know Skylar? Should I ask him? I don't know anything. My mind is full of thoughts and at the same time I think that my mind doesn't have anything at all. I should go somewhere else.  I drive my car towards the cafe. I don't think that I even want to go home right now.

"Ma'am you need anything?" A waitress asked and I looked at her.

"Please give me one espresso." I said and she nodded and went away. I looked outside through the window and saw the setting sun. I don't know if I am trying to take all this things beyond a limit. I want to know what my dreams mean. My phone ring up and I looked at the ID. It was from Dad. I picked it up.

"Hello Dad." I said.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I am at a cafe." I said.

"You sound low. Are you okay?" He asked me and I looked at font blankly.

"I am fine. Just I am having a headache and I don't think that I will come back home." I said.

"Where will you go tonight?" He asked.

"I will to Sera house. She said that she wanted help from me. So I will go and help her. I will come back by tomorrow morning." I said.

"Okay as you say. Take care of yourself." He said and hung up and I put the phone side and sighed.

"Ms. here is your coffee." The waitress said and she put the cup on the table and went away. I put my entwined hand over my forehead. I was feeling stressed. I was having so much pressure on me. I don't want to disturb James.  He must be sleeping by now. His parents asked him to stay in USA for few days more until he gets better. He was too stubborn to stay there but when I also agreed about that he had to stay there. After all he had gone through a accident. He should take rest.

"Drink your coffee or you want it to be cold?" I heard James voice and I shook my head. It can't be possible. He is in USA and he was supposed to be come back after next week. I might be hallucinating.

"If you didn't want to drink then why you ordered it?" He asked and I didn't dare to open my eyes. I felt that when I will open my eyes he won't be there.

"Hazel are you all right?" He asked and touched my forehead and this touch felt so much real.

"No you are not real. I might be hallucinating." I mumbled and he chuckled.

"Open your eyes. I am not any hallucination. I am real person." He said and I opened my eyes and saw him there sitting in front of me.

"Are you real?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Do you have any doubt?" He asked and I shook my head.

"But weren't you going to be over here by next week. We had decided that you will not come over here till you get well properly." I said and he smiled.

"We did, but I wasn't able to sleep from last two days just because I haven't saw you." He said and I smiled.

"I was also missing you." I said.

"I know how much you have missed me that you haven't called me today." He said. He was complaining like a kid.

"I was about to but I had an appointment so I have to take it and after that I had come over here." I said and he nodded.

"Well which kind of appointment?" He asked. I don't want to tell him about my dreams yet because I still feel uncomfortable about it. Neither I want to know about Skylar.

"It was a doctor appointment." I said.

"What happened to you?" He asked.

"Just a headache." I said and he nodded.

"Are you okay now?" He asked and I nodded.

"yeah I am way too much better." I said and he smiled. I drank my coffee which was by now become bit cold. We talked about lot of things and laughed. I wanted this time to never end.

"Let me drop you to home." He said and I shook my head.

"I don't have any desire to go home back." I said and he looked at me weirdly.

"Why? And what about your father he must be worry about you." He said.

"I had told him that Sera wants my help so I am going to stay with her. But I don't have any feeling to go back home. I don't know why but I don't want to go home." I said.

"You have very weird desire. So are you going to Sera house?" He asked and I shook my head.

"I will have my dinner somewhere else and then I will go into the hotel and stay there for a night." I said and he shook his head.

"Let's go to my house. You will like it and you can stay there for the night." He said and I shook my head.

"I don't want to give you problem by staying at your house." I said and he looked at me.

"Anything related to you is not a problem for me." He said and I smiled at his words.

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