arrogant hearts

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Hi kitties


"Hey I want to eat." I said and Angela shook her head.

"You won't. You have to look good today after your wedding you could eat as much as you want." She said and I crossed the arm over my chest.

"Let me eat. James won't mind if I eat too much today.s." I said and she chuckled.

"I know he won't but you also have to fit inside the dress." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"I will fit inside it anyway." I said and she chuckled.

"So try it now. You also have to go in the ceremony." She said and I huffed and  went towards the washroom and saw the dress. My mother liked this dress so much. This dress is so much familiar with my grandma wedding dress. I put it on and come outside.

 I put it on and come outside

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"Hmm...see it fits perfect on me." I said and Angela looked at me and smiled.

"You are looking like a princess." She said.

"Can't you just gave my food back?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"You will get it after the wedding. Now sit down and get ready for the ceremony." She said and I sat in front of the mirror and stylist started to do their work on me. I was sitting over there feeling bore and all the work they were doing only my hairs.

"How much time will they take?" I asked Angela and she chuckled.

"Why can't you wait for few minutes more." She said.

"You should know that I didn't born with patience." I said and after more few minutes everything was done and the veil was also for fixed.

"You are looking like a princess." Catherine  squealed and I chuckled.

"I know that." I said and she rolled her eyes and I ruffled her hair.

"Hey I have also set my hair don't spoil it." She said.

"Is Skylar ready?" I heard Dad voice.

"Yes she is." Angela said and dad and mom entered in the room. Mom was holding a box which was looking like it was made from silver.

"You are looking so beautiful my dear." My mom said and kissed on my forehead and I smiled and I saw my dad who was having tears in his eyes but was trying hard not to spill them out. I smiled more and went towards him.

"Dad don't be so emotional or it will be very hard for me to leave you." I said and hugged him.

"I also don't want to send you off." He said.

"Matteo you are over reacting." My mom said to dad.

"Why you always ruin my moments with my daughter." Dad said and mom and me chuckled over this and dad looked at me and kissed on my forehead.

"You are looking so beautiful and if James hurt you than you can come to me without any hesitation. I will never let you go to him again." He said and I nodded with a smile.

"I think this will be a great plan." I said and he chuckled.

"Don't make any evil plan against my son in law." Mom protested and I chuckled.

"Who is making it? Who?" Dad asked.

"You father and daughter." Mom pointed in out direction.

"Well talk about that later in few minutes she has to walk down the aisle as well." Angela said and dad nodded.

"Give her what you wanted to give her from the day she was born." Dad said and Mom nodded and opened the box and took out the tiara. I was in awe when I saw it. It was very beautiful.

"Your grandpa always taken care of you grandma like she is the queen and on their wedding day your grandpa had indeed married your grandma like a royal prince

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"Your grandpa always taken care of you grandma like she is the queen and on their wedding day your grandpa had indeed married your grandma like a royal prince. And this tiara was worn by your grandmother and I had also worn it and now it is your turn to wear it." She said and put the tiara on my head.

"She is looking more beautiful now." Carol said and I smiled.

"Now it is time for you to walk down the aisle." I heard Eros voice and I nodded. Dad gave me his hand and I took it happily and then dad and me stand in front of the door and when the door opened the song started. I looked towards the aisle only where my husband to be was present and he was looking so much good in his tux. I was also quite nervous and when I am nervous I am tend to eat more. And I was hungry indeed. We reached towards him and dad linked my hand with James.

"Take care of her." dad said and James nodded with a smile and then dad returned.

"You are looking like a real queen." He whispered in my ear.

"Thanks for the compliment because I am also feeling like one." I teased him and he gave me a look and I giggled a bit.

"You are looking handsome too and this queen is waiting for us to get married." I said and he smiled and after two  hour the ceremony ended.

"So Mr. King where is my wedding gift?" I asked him as we entered into his house. In few hours we are going to have reception as well and after that we will fly to our honeymoon.

"I am your gift." He said and I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Well forget about that and think about our coming days Mrs. Skylar Patrick." He said and I smiled. It sound good.

I know that at first we didn't even want to face each other because we both were stubborn and was with arrogant heart but now we both are sharing the same love which I thought  I would never ever get. But at the end both our arrogant hearts got tamed.

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