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Hi kitties


So today I am going back but I am angry on Hazel that she didn't came to meet me once also. She haven't called me also. My man said that she is busy with the project lately. I think the project is more important than me. Then when I will come back, I would break up with her so that she can be with her work. In that way I won't get hurt. Luna must have heard something wrong. It must be that I love my work more than me. I sighed. I looked outside. My mind was messed up and more messing up that Aileen is with us. I had told her plenty of times that I don't like her  but she doesn't understand that. She likes to mess with my mind. I searched for my phone but it was nowhere to be found.

"Where is my phone?" i mumbled.

"here it is." Aileen said and passed me the phone. I looked at her.

"Why were you taking my phone?" I asked her.

"I wasn't doing anything with that." She said and I called Luna. She picked up the call after few rings.

"How are you?" I asked her.

"I am fine and you?" She asked me.

"I am also fine. Today I am going to USA back." I said.

"I think that is right for you right now." She said.

"I also think so." I said.

"Hmm...I wanted to talk to about something." She said.

"About what?" I asked her.

"About Hazel." She said and I gritted.

"I don't want to talk about her. Change the subject or else I will hung up." I said.

"But listen to me for once." She said.

"I don't want to hear anything. You take care. i will call you later." I said and hung up. I don't want to talk about her. I am furious over her. She likes to work more than me. I am feeling like stupid. I had opened my heart for that woman who likes to work more than me. At least for humanity she can call me but she decided not to call me. I sighed. I want to scream my heart out but I am controlling myself. Dammit, my mind is totally filled with her. I can't take her out of my mind.

"Are you okay?" I heard Aileen voice.

"No and don't bother me again." I spatted over her and shut my eyes and  leaned back and tried to sleep so that I could get her out of my mind.

"James." I heard a soft voice and I woke up. I looked at the person and found mom.

"Yes mom." I said and rubbed my eyes.

"The plane is about to land. Put the seat belt." she said and I nodded and put on the seat belt. In few minutes we landed. When we come out we saw that the car was waiting for us. We settle down and soon the car started to drove away and I was looking outside when I saw someone outside the hotel. She was Hazel but when I blink she was nowhere to be seen. I think I am thinking too much that I am seeing her over here. I should get her out of my mind but it is difficult to be done than said.

We reached the house and I went straight to my room and get freshen up. After I freshen up I come and laid on the bed. 

She had said those magical words

Luna words were repeating in my mind. I think that she had heard wrong. She must be saying something else and she heart something else. She had come just to see if I am alive or not because I think that I am biggest obstacle between her and her work. I am not able to think further. I just want to go out for a while. I come downstairs and looked for my mom. When I found her I go towards her.

"Mom I am going outside." I said and she looked at me.

"You are still recovering. You should rest." She said.

"But mom I am feeling bore after being over here. Please let me go." I said and she sighed.

"Okay fine. You won't be stop if I ask you to but come soon."She said and I nodded. I kissed her cheeks and she chuckled. I go to my garage and take my car. I know that I am still recovering but I want to have some fresh air. I took my car and went away. I pull the window down and drove away. I was enjoying this a lot. It was good to be back home but the real hometown is in England only. I stopped on the red light and beside this road there is a park. I looked side and saw a girl and then I looked forward but when I looked again she was not there. I think that girl was Hazel. Of course she was Hazel. Her one glance is enough for me to identify her. I think I am really too much thinking about her that I am feeling that she is here only. I think I should rest only. I take a u turn and drove to my home and parked the car.

"You have come so fast." Mom said.

"I felt that I should rest more so I come back." i said and she smiled.

"You felt right. Now go and rest." She said and I nodded. I went to my room and collapsed on my bed. I don't know if I am hallucinating or other thing. But the possibility is that I am hallucinating. I should sleep. I think I am tried.  And with that I went for a sleep.

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