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Hi kitties


"Hmm...so where are you planning to take me Madam." I asked her. I don't know where she is taking me. It had been two weeks for us to be meeting frequently. And now I am well now as well.

"Well to restaurant. I am hungry." She said and I shook my head. She has an unique obsession with food. well I had never thought that she must be having the obsession with food. She can have food anytime of the day.

"Okay. So you are hungry all of the sudden?" I asked her.

"Of course and you also didn't have the lunch so we are going to eat now." she said and I nodded.

"we reached the place." she said and I nodded. we both get out from the car.

"It doesn't look like a restaurant." I said.

"Well.....leave it. Let's go and have the food." She said and I shook my head with a chuckled. She hook up her hand with mine and then we walk inside the building.

"Well I have book this building for today." She said and I looked at her.

"So is it a date?" I asked her.

"You can take it as a date but for me today is the feast."  She said and I chuckled and I made her face me and I claimed her lips and after few minutes I left her.

"I think you are getting romantic day by day." She said.

"After all I have to be for the most beautiful lady in the world." I said and caressed her hair and she smiled.

"Let's settle down." She said and I nodded and we settle down on the table which was in the center. It was decorated beautifully. Generally a guys give surprise like this but I think my girlfriend is also fond of all that things.

"Hmm... so what do you want to eat?" She asked me handed me the menu.

"Well I think there is no option according to my diet." I said and she chuckled.

"This is quite unique place where your diet food won't be available." She said and I looked at her.

"It is really unique place." I said and she smiled.

"If you are not able to decide then let me do it." She said and took the menu from me. And called the person and said something which I wasn't able to heard.

"In few minutes our food be here." She said and I nodded. The same waiter come and give us the wine.

"Have some wine first." She said and she poured the wine in my glass. And I took few sips when the food come upon and the waiter placed the food on the table and I saw that every one of them were my favorite food.

"All of them are my favorite food." I said and I looked at her who was grinning.

"I know that." She said. I raised my eyebrows.

"But how do you know what I like? I haven't yet discuss it with you." I said and she smirked.

"You cousin sister Luna told me." She said and I shook my head. How could I forget that after my accident both Hazel and Luna get along well.

"Well is there any special occasion today?" I asked her.

"You can consider as one." She said.

"Why are you talking in a maze?" I asked her.

"You are finding it a maze but for me it is clear words." She said.

"Could you explain me why are you doing all this?" I asked her.

"Why? Can only guys shower love on their girlfriend can't a girlfriend shower love on her boyfriend?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"I don't mean that but suddenly you arranged everything. I am quite curious about that." I said and she nodded.

"I think you are having short term memory loss." She said and I looked her confused.

"I don't think so that I am having it." I said and she put the fist on the side chin of her. And looked at me.

"Yes you are having it. Well if you don't remember it doesn't matter. I will tell you anyway." She said and I looked at her. "Well two weeks ago I had asked you to eat the soup instead of the food you wanted to eat. You remember right?" She asked and I nodded. "That day I had said that I will treat you with your favorite food when you will recover fully." She said and I looked at the food.

"So is it the treat that you are giving me?" I asked her.

"Of course silly." She said and chuckled. I smiled and stand up from my sit and went towards her and she looked at me with suspicious eyes.

"Then you deserve a reward for that." I said and smirked in her direction.  She tried to raised her eyes but miserably failed. I chuckled. And before she could say something i crashed my lips on her. She kissed me whole heartedly. I love it when she is with me and without doing anything she makes me feel that I am important to her. And today feast is not the feast but the prove that she will take care of me and will fulfill all her promises which will be regarding us. I know that in past i have suspect her love but I don't have any plan to suspect it any further. We pulled away.

"Mr. Patrick eat the food." She said and I chuckled and went towards my chair.

"James open you mouth." She said and I opened my mouth and she made me feed the chicken.

"Now it is your turn my lady." I said and she opened her mouth and I feed her. Then the rest of the lunch was very graceful. I think I won't be able to forget this lunch ever. This is really special to me because I am with the most special person of my life.

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