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Hi kitties


"I don't want to drink this. It is bad in taste." Hazel said and I chuckled. She has been acting like a kid right now but I sighed at that time. God knows that is the stress that she took on her shoulder that she got fever. From last week she is having the fever. Last week she came to my door and knocked on it. I still remember how her condition was.


I was studying the newspaper when someone knocked on my door. It was evening and today I had the day off and Avis was taking care in place of me. I stand up and went towards the door and opened the door and found Hazel. She was shivering. I think she had cried a lot.

"Hazel what happened?' I asked her and she looked at me and come towards me and took me in a hug. At that I was taken by surprise.

"Are you okay?" I asked her and she shook her head and that made me tense.

"What happened to you?" I asked her and she looked at me with the teary eyes.

"James will you leave me when I will be needing you the most?" She asked me and that was a surprise question for me. She wasn't like this before but what had happened to her.

"I won't leave you. I will be with you in everything till you are right and when you will do wrong. I will try my best that you don't do anything wrong." I said and she nodded with a smile and hugged me further

"But why are you asking this suddenly?" I asked her.

"Today I felt that I have no friends except you who had always loved me and accept me as what I am. And today I also felt that I had just come out from death." She said and it didn't ring in my mind. Her talks were like puzzle to me. She stand up and took her temple in her hands and started to fall. Before she could fall I caught her and took her in my arms. She is looking pale. I checked her temperature. And my eyes widen. She is burning with fever. I put her in the bed and called her PA and told her everything and she told me that she wasn't feeling good from morning only. I told her to cover her up and she agreed. I called the doctor and he came to my house in 15 minutes and he told me that her stress had taken the shape of the fever and she need rest for at least a week.

Flashback ends

"Are you feeling good?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Do you want to go home?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I think I want to live here for forever." She said and fall back on the bed and I chuckled.

"That day is not far. " I said and her face lights up.

"When I can move in with you?" She asked me in a excited tone.

"The day when you dad will come to know about our relationship." I said and poked on her nose and she looked bit sad.

"I don't want to face my dad right now." She said and I nodded.

"You take your time. I had asked you PA to cover you up." I said and she hugged me.

"How I wish I could be here forever." She said and I smiled.

"This is your place only." I said and she smiled.

"What are your thoughts about kids?" She asked me.

"I think I would like to have girls who are just like you." I said and caressed my hair.

"Well I don't care about whether I am going to have a girl or a boy. All I want is that my kids to be healthy and know how to respect others." She said and I smiled.

"They will know how to respect others." I said and she smiled widely.

"You know what I will name them." She said excitedly.

"What will you name them?" I asked her

"If we have son we will name him Kyle and if we have the daughter then Kylie." She said and something ring my mind. Skylar had two teddy bear one was blue and other one was pink and she named them Kyle and Kylie only.

"But why would you name them Kyle or Kylie?" I asked her.

"I don't know but I think I love this name more than any other name so I decided to put that name only and I had teddy bears as well whom I names this only." She said and I shook my head. How could this be possible that two different person had names their stuffed toy with the same name. Why I am feeling like that she is Skylar. But they both have very different personality. She is bold and fighter type but Skylar was sweet and chirping type. They both are poles apart.

" we will name our kids that only." I said and she nodded with a bright smile.

"You know what? before you came in my life it was colorless but after you came, the life become more and more beautiful and I can bet that even after I die my love for you will never ever die." She said.

"Don't talk about life and death right now." I said and she nodded.

"So what do you want to do right now?" She asked me.

"I will do the work by myself but you have to take the rest. You are not moving away from the bed right now." I said and she pouted and I chuckled.

"It is unfair. I want to do something." She said and I shook my head and come out.But I am still unable to catch why I am finding similarity between Hazel and Skylar?

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